Discover The New Rules of Hybrid Kettlebell Strength …
How to Get Strong, Lean AND Athletic – Using Just Kettlebells and Your Own Body Weight – in Less Than Three TOTAL Workout Hours Per Week
Dear friend –
Forest Vance here – veteran personal trainer and certified Russian kettlebell instructor, ex-pro athlete, gym owner, and published author based out of Sacramento, CA.

There’s something bothering me, and I just have to get it off my chest. I hope you’ll stick around to hear me out – because in the
process, you’ll learn about a HUGE mistake you’re probably making in your training … and EXACTLY how to fix it.
See, there’s a disturbing trend in the fitness world today. It’s the out-of-control popularity of these “metcon”-style workouts.
Now, these type of workouts are great. I personally love them. You probably do, too. They leave you drained, lying on the floor afterwards in a pool of your own sweat, feeling smoked – which is AWESOME for us crazy workout peeps!
HOWEVER, there’s also a big problem with these type of workouts. They are (typically) missing the critical max strength component.
These kind of workouts can be almost addicting, in a way … but you CANNOT let that “suck you in”, and allow you to get away from doing basic, heavy, effective strength work.
You NEED to include some max strength work in your overall scheme. You will not have the core, pre-requisite strength to perform your body weight/kettlebell/etc. movements at a high intensity and with great form, if you don’t.
This is so hard for me to get some of my clients to understand. They feel like they MUST be smoked after EVERY workout. That a day where you focus on heavy, basic, compound lifts, and don’t feel trashed afterwards, is waste of time or something.
To make continued progress in your training, you must get this idea out of your head.
That being said, I know you probably WANT to include this type of training in your regime – but might just not know exactly how to go
about it. Maybe you feel like you don’t have the time. Maybe you feel like you’re missing all the fancy equipment. Well, all those things HAVE been real obstacles … until now …
Now introducing …
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning

In this straight-to-the point, no-B.S. guide, you’ll get:
- Hybrid Kettlebell Strength – HOW the program is set up, and WHY it works so great. You’ll get my personal background with the workout style – and learn from the mistakes I’ve made, so you can get your training on the fast track to success.
- A six week KB/BW training program you can use to get strong AND lean, at the same time – A rarely-used, “undulating periodization” method that I’ve used with amazing success in my training programs for years, but I’ve never before revealed and laid out in detail.
- Exercise Library – MAJOR form points that most people miss. Don’t be left in the dark as to how to perform the exercises with proper technique. You’ll learn EXACTLY how to perform every exercise in the program, the RIGHT way, the very first time.
- BONUS kettlebell workouts – I’ve gone the extra mile and hooked you up with some bonus sample workouts from some of my other top-selling programs – like the Kettlebell Challenge Workouts system, The 10×10 Kettlebell Solution, and more. Add these in to the mix for added variety and enjoyment. You get ’em FREE when you grab a copy of Hybrid KB Strength.
- Q&A – ALL of your common kettlebell challenge training questions, answered. Want to know how to straight up get STRONGER as fast as possible? How to fit in your workouts around a busy schedule? It’s all here!!
PLUS, you’ll get …
The Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning Video Series
In this video series, you’ll find:
- The Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning video demos – Here, you’ll get simple video demos of each exercise. The main manual has full exercise descriptions, but we all know that video is a better medium to learn a new movement, especially if it’s brand new for you.
- The Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning video walk thrus – I also broke down and walked you thru how to do each workout in the main program. Here, you will discover the tips and tricks and training techniques you need to REALLY get the most out of the program.
This program has me really excited, because I think it’s the best solution for overall fitness, using kettlebells, that I’ve created to date. Here are a few of the benefits you can expect when you try it out for yourself:
- Slash your body fat
- Get a lean, athletic looking build
- Bump up your current weights
- “Tighten up”
- Get STRONG – WITHOUT lots of expensive equipment
- Do it QUICK – with a workout that can fit into your crazy schedule
- Seamlessly integrate kettlebells and body weight, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your KB routine
Click here to grab your copy of the brand new Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning program for only $27

**Special offer!** If you really want to get the most out of your Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning program, grab the deluxe version RIGHT NOW at a discounted price. You’ll get the Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning main manual and video series, PLUS:
The PreHab Warm Up

When you’re in need of an extended warm-up, when you’re extra sore from your last workout, when you have specific problem areas that need work, this is the perfect solution. It’s a video series and special report, and is the research-backed and field-tested best way to prep for your workouts.
Not warming up properly – or at ALL – is another BIG problem in the fitness world today. And this special report and video series provide a great solution.
Bodyweight, Dumbbell, and Barbell Workouts Tri-Pack
BONUS workouts to use after you’ve completed the Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning program – you’ll get my Football Bootcamp Workout, my Conditioning, Kettlebell, and Max Strength workouts, and the Super Quick Start Body Weight and Dumbbell workout. These will keep you busy for weeks and months to come 🙂
The No Gym? No Excuse! Advanced Programming Manual
Even more workouts to take you to the next level – for muscle gain, athletic performance, and much more.
Click here to grab your copy of the Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning Manual PLUS all the deluxe bonuses for only $49

Your 60 Day Money-Back, No-Questions-Asked, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Do this: read just the first section and go through the first workout. If you feel like you haven’t ALREADY gotten your money’s worth, then please contact me and I will refund every penny of your purchase, no questions asked. Better still, take a full 60 days to do these workouts and benefit from them. If for any reason at all you’re unsatisfied, contact me still and I will refund every penny of your purchase.

So – you only stand to gain when you sign up now. It’s easy – just click the add to cart button below, you’ll be taken to a checkout page and get instant access to this awesome new program!
Click here to grab your copy of the brand new Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning program for only $27
Click here to grab your copy of the Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning Manual PLUS all the deluxe bonuses for only $49
Thanks, and take care –
Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Level 2 Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor
NOTE: Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning is a 100% downloadable product. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-books and videos onto your computer. NO physical products will be shipped.
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