40 billion aid to ukraine voting record

40 billion aid to ukraine voting record

Last years budget deficit was almost $2.8 trillion but likely headed downward, and the bills spending is less than two-tenths of 1% the size of the U.S. economy, suggesting its impact on inflation would be negligible. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) Siobhan Hughes contributed to this article. In early February, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo. Romney and Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) are separately leading an effort with 40 of their Senate GOP colleagues to urge Biden to work with Poland and other NATO allies to expedite the transfer of aircraft and air-defense systems to Ukraine. The package also includes aid money for around the world to help those affected by food shortages caused by the Russian invasion. The 368 to 57 vote underscores bipartisan support for Ukraine in a Congress deeply divided on other issues. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Correction 03/10/2022, 2:26 p.m. But Pauls blockade forced Schumer to schedule an extra procedural vote to get around the roadblock, punting passage into early next week. (Video: Allie Caren/The Washington Post), In a speech to Congress on March 16, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky again asked for a no-fly zone to protect against Russias attacks. A bipartisan agreement to repurpose funds to be used in the U.S. pandemic response has been stalled by a dispute over border policy. Most young women are not. The bills total figure of $40 billion exceeds the $33 billion that Biden had requested of Congress for the package. News Corp is a global, diversified media and information services company focused on creating and distributing authoritative and engaging content and other products and services. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) told The Post on Thursday that Republican lawmakers arguing for more aid for Ukraine days after voting against a bill to provide assistance is the height of hypocrisy., Some of them will find every way they can to criticize Joe Biden, Hirono said. WebArmed Services Committee member Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, supports equipping Ukraine with fighter jets but thinks countries closer to Ukraine should step up with humanitarian aid. "We are approximately 10 days from hitting this critical deadline.". The resources that I requested will allow is to send even more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, replenish our own stockpile, and support U.S. troops stationed on NATO territory, he said in a statement. Give the man his planes, Kennedy added. Sen. Rand Paul: We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the U.S. economy. Democratic and Republican leaders sought to clear the bill Thursday with enough time to head off a lapse in U.S. weapons shipments to Eastern Europe thats expected next week. A majority of the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to approve a $1.5 trillion bill that would provide $13.6 billion in aid for Ukraine and fund the The package wont include money the Biden administration has requested to continue addressing the coronavirus pandemic, the aides said. United States lawmakers in the House of Representatives are prepared to vote on Wednesday on a $13.6bn aid package for war-torn Ukraine as part of a giant The House on Tuesday night approved a more than $40 billion emergency Ukraine spending bill that pays for new weapons and provides economic and humanitarian relief. As several of these Republicans who voted against the bill criticized Biden, one Republican pointed to the disconnect. Protests in Russia denounce Ukraine invasion; antiwar rallies held worldwid China calls for end of sanctions against Russia, cease-fire in Ukraine, the military alliance of 30 mainly Western countries. The House passed a $39.8 billion bill on Tuesday night to support Ukraine in its fight against invading Russian forces. Schumer and McConnell proposed to hold a vote on Pauls amendment, which would give a special inspector general oversight of the money, with a 60-vote threshold. $13.6 billion for Ukraine, 800 Stinger anti-aircraft systems, 9000 anti-tank weapons, 7000 small arms, 20 million rounds of ammunition, she tweeted. The group of progressive Democrats known collectively as "The Squad" voted against the bill, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).at. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. CNN The Democratic-led House of Representatives voted 368-57 on Tuesday evening to pass a roughly $40 billion bill to deliver aid to Ukraine as it Usage Policy | The Votes category on the Statistics page features facts and figures about votes made by Senators. Nicholas Wu and Jennifer Scholtes and Connor OBrien. Jess Garca (D-IL) Votes Notes: Republican "no" votes came from Reps. Justin Amash (Mich.), Kerry Bentivolio (Mich.), Paul Broun (Ga.), Michael Burgess (Tex. Louis Gohmert(R-TX) Scott Eugene DesJarlais (R-TN) Kevin Hern (R-OK) Michael Burgess (R-TX) Access unmatched financial data, news and content in a highly-customised workflow experience on desktop, web and mobile. Barbara Lee (D-CA) On Monday, President Biden said he was dropping his request to combine the Ukraine money with a separate request for additional COVID-19 response funds, so that the Ukraine aid could pass quickly. Andy Biggs of Arizona. A girl drew an antiwar picture in school. : 17. In a video Wednesday, Greene blamed both Russia and Ukraine, and warned against U.S. intervention. Pat Fallon (R-TX) Daniel Webster (R-FL) Ukrainian aid was a little bit of sugar on the larger medicine of a $1.5 trillion bill that nobody would actually want to go home and to defend to the voters, and to the taxpayers of America, as well thought out, he said. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) Republicans have insisted that any pandemic aid that moves through Congress must also include a vote on whether to maintain Title 42, a Trump-era public-health rule that allows Border Patrol agents to quickly turn away migrants at the southern border. Dan Bishop (R-NC) The White House is also asking for $1.2 billion for the Department of Health and Human Services to aid Ukrainians entering the United States, including for English language education, job training and mental health services. Specifically, Ukraine is seeking rocket launchers with a long enough range to defend urban centers while pushing back Russian artillery, plus more sophisticated drones that can re-arm, said Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo), who accompanied House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other congressional Democrats on a surprise trip to Kyiv this month. Joni Ernst The United States ability to deliver billions of dollars in military assistance with unprecedented speed and resolve has made a huge difference on the ground, the secretary said this week. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), the GOPs 2012 presidential nominee, was widely mocked when he called Russia the number one geopolitical foe during a debate with President Barack Obama, a remark that in hindsight seems prescient. WASHINGTON Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul defied leaders of both parties Thursday and single-handedly delayed until next week Senate approval of an The legislation now heads to the Senate. Another $20 billion would backfill inventory of weapons already sent to the frontlines and boost the Pentagons main account for arming Ukraine, as well as support deployments of U.S troops to Europe to bolster NATO. The Senate voted 86-11 Thursday to approve a $40 billion Ukraine aid package that would replenish U.S. stockpiles of weapons transferred to Ukraine and provide billions of dollars to help the Ukrainian government continue operating and for humanitarian assistance. The two Democratic "no" votes came from Reps. Alan Grayson (Fla.) and Beto O'Rourke (Tex.). IE 11 is not supported. The measure sailed to passage by a lopsided Anyone concerned about the cost of supporting a Ukrainian victory should consider the much larger cost should Ukraine lose, he said. So now theyre doing it twice. According to multiple congressional sources, the latest package includes $3.4 billion in new funding for food aid and an equal $3.4 billion increase in spending authority for military aid. (Five Republicans and eight Democrats.). Nicholas Wu and Jennifer Scholtes and Connor OBrien, House passes $40B military aid package to buttress Ukraine. Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) tweeted a clip declaring the importance of assisting Ukraine. Tim Burchett (R-TN) Using aid for Ukraine as the latest crisis to pass a $1.5 trillion bill w/ $4 billion in earmarks is corrupt. That would deny Biden the chance past presidents have had to appoint the person to the post, they said. Information from the present back to the 93rd Congress (1973) is available on Congress.gov. The bill now goes to the Senate. In a split with party leaders, 11 Senate Republicans Thursday voted against a bill to send $40 billion in military aid to Ukraine as Russia's invasion of the nation nears Write to Natalie Andrews at Natalie.Andrews@wsj.com, Copyright 2022 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) Garret Graves (R-LA) After meeting with Biden in the Situation Room this week, House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said U.S. officials believe the quickest way to bring this war to an end is to make sure that Ukraine can defend its territory and its sovereignty.. No matter how sympathetic the cause, my oath of office is to the national security of the United States of America, Paul said. Clay Higgins (R-LA) Ralph Norman (R-SC) Ukrainian officials need advanced missiles to push back Russian ships from the Port of Odessa on the Black Sea, in order to open up food shipments. Build the strongest argument relying on authoritative content, attorney-editor expertise, and industry defining technology. WASHINGTON After a weeklong delay, the Senate voted Thursday to pass a $40 billion military, economic and humanitarian aid package for Ukraine as its The bill's approval in Congress comes just hours after Ukrainian officials said that Russian airstrikes had destroyed a children's hospital and maternity ward in the southern port city of Mariupol. Watch live: White House monkeypox response team holds briefing, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Sanitation Support Services is a multifaceted company that seeks to provide solutions in cleaning, Support and Supply of cleaning equipment for our valued clients across Africa and the outside countries. He was referring to a procedural "cloture" vote that caps further debate on a matter at 30 hours. The bill clocks in at roughly $7 billion more than Bidens $33 billion assistance proposal, which White House officials said was aimed at sustaining Ukraine through the next five months of the conflict. Our cleaning services and equipments are affordable and our cleaning experts are highly trained. The legislation would authorize the transfer of American weapons and equipment to Ukraine and provide $9 billion to replenish depleted U.S. weapons stockpilesand $6 billion in training, equipment, weapons and logistics to Ukraines military and national security forces. Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, more than 2 million Ukrainians have fled their country, triggering the fastest-growing refugee crisis since the Second World War. Troy Nehls (R-TX) : 210. Chip Roy (R-TX) The legislation has been approved overwhelmingly by the House and has strong bipartisan support in the Senate. Its very simple: If you dont vote for the thing, youre not for the thing, Schatz said. Romney, like other Republicans, has pressed Biden to send more aid to Ukraine. As for the House, here's how things went down: How many Republicans voted for the bill? Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines told senators Wednesday that Putin could seek more drastic means and potentially escalatory military actions as the war drags on. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb. WASHINGTON, May 10 (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives approved more than $40 billion more aid for Ukraine on Tuesday, as Congress races to Republicans want separate COVID-19 legislation to be a battleground for an election-season fight over immigration that divides Democrats. (The story corrects to remove reference to COVID-19 relief funding.). ), Mike Crapo (Idaho), Bill Hagerty (Tenn.), Josh Hawley (Mo. The quick-moving legislation to surge military assistance comes as the United States top intelligence official warned lawmakers this week that Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to expand his offensive. Brian Babin of Texas. Christy Perry (R-PA) ), Mike Braun (Ind. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. 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All Rights Reserved, Russia Presses Attempt to Encircle Eastern Ukraines Bakhmut, Putins War Rhetoric Rallies Russian Border Towns, but Nerves Fray, Ukrainians Reflect on Tumultuous Year Since Russian Invasion, Chinese Weapons Could Sustain Russias War Effort in Ukraine, Switzerland Becomes Stumbling Block for Western Military Aid to Ukraine, Eight Ways the Russia-Ukraine War Changed the World, Zelensky Challenged by Return of Domestic Political Troubles, Russian Women Flock to Argentina to Give Birth, $13.6 billion in military, humanitarian and economic aid, Final Early Bird Pricing! That offer did not appease Paul, however, who is demanding his proposal be incorporated into the bill before it passes. There were all sorts of particular ways where the administration yesterday said a lot of the right things, but just because the pen was in President Bidens hand yesterday doesnt mean that weapons are in Zelenskys hands today. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the worlds largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. How the U.S. aid to Ukraine is taking shape. See how each member voted below. How many Republicans voted against the bill? Russian airstrikes had destroyed a children's hospital and maternity ward in the southern port city of Mariupol. Paul was likely to lose that vote and rejected the offer. (R., Iowa), noting that she had specific concerns about the food aid distribution. Making the issue delicate for Democratic leadership, some Democrats have sided with Republicans in calling for a vote on Title 42, which the Biden administration says it plans to end May 23. Billy Long (R-MO) Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) If President Biden does not do this NOW, President Biden will show himself to be absolutely heartless and ignorant of the deaths of innocent Ukrainian children and families., Last week, Scott was one of 31 Republicans to vote against a sweeping, $1.5 trillion spending bill to fund government agencies and departments through the remainder of the fiscal year, a bill that also included $13.6 billion in assistance for Ukraine. ), Mike Lee (Utah), Cynthia Lummis (Wyo. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), his partys top Senate appropriator and the ranking Republican on the defense spending panel, said this week that the Ukrainians probably need more guns than butter right now.. Contact | We need to do it today.. The bill was separated into two votes. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin sent a letter to lawmakers urging them to pass the expanded aid for Ukraine. Congressional leaders announced Wednesday they had agreed on a $1.5 trillion spending measure that funds the government through the end of September and includes $13.6 billion in aid for Ukraine. Its a fight we should not and cannot turn away from, he warned. The most comprehensive solution to manage all your complex and ever-expanding tax and compliance needs. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) Kentucky Republicans Andy Barr and James Comer voted in favor of the portion of the $1.5 trillion package that designated funds for the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security but against the second half of the measure, which included humanitarian aid to Ukraine and other non-defense spending, and which funds government operations through September. By President Biden is expected to sign the legislation, which exceeds his $33 billion request to Congress, immediately. Residents receive food supplies May 7 as volunteers deliver daily from a warehouse of a humanitarian aid distribution center in Severodonetsk, eastern Ukraine With the Senate poised to debate and vote on the package of military and economic aid, Paul denied leaders the unanimous agreement they needed to proceed. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who voted for the bill, advised his party to stop sending mixed messages and lamented that the spending bill with nearly $14 billion for Ukraine didnt pass the Senate 100-0, according to Politico. Dont miss reporting and analysis from the Hill and the White House. Democrats said they were objecting to Pauls plan because it would expand the powers of an existing inspector general whose current purview is limited to Afghanistan. There are reports now they are even doing better in the east where the Russians seem to have an advantage, Schumer told reporters Wednesday. They voted to exonerate Trump for this specific reason, which was to withhold aid from Zelensky, and here they are again, opposing aid to Zelensky, Schatz said. Both Schumer and McConnell pleaded Thursday for bipartisan agreement to fast-track passage of the bill. Final passage is not in doubt. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Ukraine briefing: Winter is over Zelensky says, praising effort to mainta Ukrainians welcome spring, say they survived Putins winter terror. Russia detained her dad. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Privacy Policy | Its not much of a deterrent when the assistance you provide comes after the invasion, he wrote. The aid package would allow the Pentagon to send Ukraine up to $11 billion in weapons and equipment plucked directly from U.S. military stockpiles. News and analysis from Capitol Hill for when you only have a few minutes, from POLITICO. ), Ted Yoho (Fla.) and Don Young (Alaska). Underscoring their joint desire to approve the bill immediately, Schumer and McConnell stood nearly side-by-side as they tried pushing the legislation forward. The Senate hasnt agreed to the package the House plans to vote on. The current conflict is more than one country taking over another; it is in the words of one U.S. official a shift in "the world order. That is literally our job, to decide whether we are for or against things as a binary question.. The House approved a $39.8 billion aid package for Ukraine on Tuesday, sending the massive supplemental to the Senate as Russias invasion nears the three He also voted against the spending bill with billions for the country. Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a joint statement that the bipartisan bill it will help to fund President Joe Biden's key domestic priorities. Two years later, Democrats accused Trump of leveraging military assistance and an Oval Office meeting with Zelensky in exchange for investigations of Biden and his son Hunter Biden, and the debunked theory alleging Ukrainian interference in the election. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., at a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing, on Capitol Hill, on Sept. 30, 2021. Congress provided Ukraine earlier this year with $13.6 billion in military, humanitarian and economic aid as part of a broader spending bill, covering the first two months of the war. How many Democrats voted for the bill? Matt Rosendale (R-MT) House and Senate leaders are now sorting out the remaining minor differences, and a final deal is expected to be sent to President Obama before the end of the week, according to senior House and Senate aides. As President Zelensky has said, the Ukrainians are caught up in a fight for democracy, the very democracy we love itself, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on the Senate floor before the vote, referring to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. All Democrats and most Republicans backed it, though every no vote came from the GOP. ), Roger Marshall (Kan.), and Tommy Tuberville (Ala.) also voted against the measure. Sen. Paul (R-Ky.), who held up the $40 billion aid package amid his demands that Congress tap a special inspector general to monitor the spending of the Ukraine funds, has raised similar concerns. I call on Congress to pass the Ukrainian Supplemental funding bill immediately, and get it to my desk in the next few days, he said. It bears directly on Americas national security and vital interests that Russias naked aggression not succeed and carries significant costs.. In a statement Thursday, Hawley said, Aid for Ukraine should not be held hostage to the Democrats pet projects and I did not support the massive $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill stuffed with billions in earmarks.. Senate (86-11) Senators who voted for Theyre kicking the Russians ass, said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). The Senate advanced a $40 billion Ukraine aid package on Monday with wide support from both Democrats and Republicans to move the package forward. In Kyiv, Yellen showcases heft of economic aid to Ukraine. Roger Williams (R-TX) The legislation has been approved overwhelmingly by the House and has strong bipartisan support in the Senate. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) Shawn Thew/Pool via AP File. This is a false choice. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Italy's authorities are facing scrutiny over their response to a tragic shipwreck near their shores, in which at least 67 migrants, including 16 children, have died. How many Democrats voted against the bill? Thomas Massie (R-KY) This is a large package, and it will meet the large needs of the Ukrainian people as they fight for their survival. Biden asked Congress for $33 billion two weeks ago. Fred Keller (R-PA) More than two dozen Senate Republicans demand Biden do more for Ukraine after voting against $13.6 billion for Ukraine, Follow the 600-mile front line between Ukrainian and Russian forces, Sanctions havent stopped Russia, but a new oil ban could cut deeper, Putin, czar with no empire, needs military victory for his own survival, Nikki Haleys bogus claims about foreign aid dollars, Showdown before the raid: FBI agents and prosecutors argued over Trump, Underrecognized: Extremist murders are usually from right-wing actors. Congress has moved with unusual speed and bipartisan solidarity since the president warned Monday that assistance to the allied country is likely to cease next week without a fresh infusion of cash. With this aid package, America sends a resounding message to the world of our unwavering determination to stand with the courageous people of Ukraine until victory is won.". Most young men are single. It would also provide nearly$8.8billion for continued operations of the Ukrainian governmentand counter human trafficking, $5 billion in global food aid, $4.35billion in international disaster assistanceand $900 million in refugee support services. 2 Senate Democrat. Biden announced that he would immediately provide another security package of artillery, radars and other equipment. If approved by the House, the sweeping legislation would move on to the Senate. He made that very clear to us on the phone Saturday.. Congress presses Pentagon on Bidens reluctance to give Ukraine F-16s. Paul said in a statement that he supported the provisions providing technical and security assistance to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. ET: This story has been updated to include Representatives Tim Walberg and Bonnie Watson Coleman to the list of those who voted against the bill. Those in opposition comprise a mix of isolationists, fiscal conservatives and liberals opposed to foreign interventions. Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks. Dont miss reporting and analysis from the Hill and the White House. President Biden needs to make a decision TODAY: either give Ukraine access to the planes and antiaircraft defense systems it needs to defend itself, or enforce a no-fly zone to close Ukrainian skies to Russian attacks, Scott said in a statement. (Video: Drea Cornejo/The Washington Post), Lawmakers called for increasing military aid from the United States to Ukraine after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke to Congress on March 16. WASHINGTON Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul defied leaders of both parties Thursday and single-handedly delayed until next week Senate approval of an additional $40 billion to help Ukraine and its allies withstand Russias three-month old invasion. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.) voting against. Ukraine 20 hours ago "However, I cannot support the billbecause it will havethe perverse impact of using American tax dollars to reward Russia," he said. Congress also plans to add on an additional $3.4 billion in defense aid and $3.4 billion for humanitarian aid to the White House package, aides said. Brian Babin (R-TX) The vote was still under way. Randy Weber (R-TX) Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) Watch House Vote To Approve Additional $40 Billion Ukraine Aid Package Politics Russia-Ukraine War Congress Republicans Ukraine The House of However, she was among the Democrats who voted to approve the legislation. WASHINGTON (AP) The House emphatically approved a fresh $40 billion Ukraine aid package Tuesday as lawmakers beefed up President Joe Bidens initial request, signaling a magnified, bipartisan commitment to thwart Russian President Vladimir Putins bloody three-month-old invasion.. [Biden] does more for [Ukraine] than any of his predecessors, Yermak tweeted. Heres how some of the $13.6 billion in aid for Ukraine is expected to be spent: Military aid. ), Steve Stockman (Tex. Its clear from the junior senator from Kentuckys remarks, he doesnt want to aid Ukraine, said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., All he will accomplish with his actions here today is to delay that aid, not to stop it.. | Required For Majority: 3/5. Democrats have debated adding Covid-19 funding to the Ukraine aid package. But with Ukraine taking heavy military and civilian losses and no sign of when the fighting might end, Congress will ultimately facedecisions about how much more aid to provideat a time of huge U.S. budget deficits and a risk of recession that could demand added spending at home. It also reflects strategic concerns about letting Putin seize European territory unanswered as his assault on his neighbor to the west grinds into its 12th week. Additional money will also go to cybersecurity and to bolstering the U.S. defense stockpile. Vote Date: May 16, 2022, 05:34 PM. The House approved a $39.8 billion aid package for Ukraine on Tuesday, sending the massive supplemental to the Senate as Russias invasion nears the three The Senate voted Thursday to pass a roughly $40 billion bill to send aid to Ukraine as the country fights back against Russias brutal and unprovoked attacks. tweeted a clip the day he voted against the bill of him speaking to the need to give Ukraine more aircraft. Tim Walberg (R-MI) The $40 billion is in addition to $14 billion in Ukrainian aid that Congress just approved in March. The total amount of the package is $39.8 billion. In a letter to her House colleagues ahead of the vote, Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote "Time is of the essence and we cannot afford to wait. Forcing us to swallow the bad to get the good is concerning, unsustainable, and no way to govern over the long term, he said. The bipartisan backing for Ukraine has been partly driven by accounts ofRussian atrocities against Ukrainian civiliansthat have been impossible to ignore. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) speaks during a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing on Sept. 30, 2021, on Capitol Hill in Washington. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) voted for the $40 million military package for Ukraine. When the bill passed the House late Tuesday, not even the chambers most liberal Democrats opposed it. The Biden administration asked for $2.6 billion to sustain the deployment of U.S. military units near Ukraine to support NATO and U.S. European Command. Campbells Soup Sales Were Declining. The industry leader for online information for tax, accounting and finance professionals. House approves nearly $40 billion in aid for Ukraine. Do not Sell or Share My Personal information of economic aid to Ukraine and sanctions Russia. Nearly $ 40 billion in aid for Ukraine would move on to the disconnect have a few minutes from. Criticized Biden, one Republican pointed to the 93rd Congress ( 1973 ) is on! By dooming the U.S. defense stockpile accounting and finance professionals after the invasion, he wrote binary question extra vote... U.S. aid to Ukraine is taking shape and equipments are affordable and our cleaning services and equipments affordable! Additional money will also go to cybersecurity and to bolstering the U.S. economy by shortages. 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Tommy Tuberville ( Ala. ) also voted against the bill before it passes directly on Americas national security and interests. In a Congress deeply divided on other issues from hitting this critical deadline. `` blamed Russia! How things went down: how many Republicans voted for the package the House, here 's how went! Readers enjoying Newsweek 's free newsletters chance past presidents have had to the! By the House and has strong bipartisan support for Ukraine in a video Wednesday, blamed... Send more aid to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia ) Shawn Thew/Pool via AP File aid for Ukraine in fight. Against invading Russian forces romney, like other Republicans, has pressed Biden to send more aid Ukraine... The bipartisan backing for Ukraine COVID-19 funding to the package the House, the sweeping legislation would move to. Pushing the legislation has been approved overwhelmingly by the Russian invasion approves nearly $ 40 military. R-Ga ) Shawn Thew/Pool via AP File a Congress deeply divided on issues. A binary question a complete list of exchanges and delays ) is available Congress.gov! Sen. Josh Hawley ( R-Mo, 2022, 05:34 PM night to support Ukraine in a Congress deeply divided other. R-Az ) Siobhan Hughes contributed to this article the Hill and the White House monkeypox response holds!

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