is lynne hybels still married to bill

is lynne hybels still married to bill

People want to see us deal with our sin openly and humbly. Some will sadly never make the decision to follow Christ. There is great peace in being able to say That action was wrong. and not have to decide Is he saved?. Who are we to say which it is when somebody lances a boil and the pus drains out; but to continue the analogy the boil existed before the surgeons knife got anywhere near it. The answer is quite simple. I dont think Jesus sees things the same way they do. WITCHES! Dimensions: 0.6" x 5.4" x 8.0" Age Range: 18 years and up Paul Aurandt Jr. Best Study Bible! Exactly. Shameful! Put a frog in a pot,with boiling water and the frog knows to jump out, but if the water is a slow boil, the frog with stay and finally be boiled. she either did or didnt inform her husband immediately 1. That statement should never have been sent out and hasnt been corrected to this day! William Hybels (born December 12, 1951) is an American church figure and author. Because it was not entirely clear what happened. Not at all but this bit sums up Hybels Leadership acumen we used to make fun of in the 90s. Not my thing. I have already commented on that nonsense that just went up. What happened to Willow Creek? Nigerian pop song about a con man. LOL I sure never did on the few creepy weirdo hugs I was subjected to! No one walks away unascathed. He has denied. We could apply those words to the most recent statement by Mr Hybels. He spent a week capturing one of the biggest aurora borealis shows in recent years. Hybels et al have it backwards. the narcissists seeking to traumatize people into submission outnumber those who act out irresistible urges. Without gossip and people looking out, anyone who has been hurt by church/leadership will simply be driven out, and the whole thing covered up. 3:6, but you gloss over that because really, at the end of the day, in spite of all your preening about your great knowledge of the Koine Greek (proud, haughty, so like your master, eh? Either way, doesnt matter. AT BEST its the Tu Quoque logical fallacy. NB If anything uncomfortable happens again I will be saying something clearly to him & asking him to mind his manners. By the time you get there, youve probably already been compromised yourself, youve supported a lot of evil things, youve shouted down others who were only trying to get at the truth (as I once did, alassorry, Adam, you were right and I was wrong, pastor really was up to no good), and its not easy to extricate yourself or your family. No one. Kind of surprised it was allowed to stand without edit or response. If someone thinks so, tell me how. Who is Bill Hybels? Rudyard Kipling, The Picts Song (about guerilla warfare), Ok. Ok. Look for similarities with the other victims testimonies. @ Lea: Another case of a desperate preacher caught with his hand in the cookie jar looking for an excuse and sympathy from gullible followers. Our job is to sow seeds. But if true it is still not honorable behavior. I believe Nancy Ortberg and I also believe the other victims who have come forward. At what point did Nancy inform her husband? This kind of relationship seems natural to women, but sometimes men have a hard time figuring it out. We were in each others homes all the time. Senior 501(c)3 Willow Creek management apparently did not throughly examine the extent of the personal witness/testimony/allegations at the time of presentation. That said, this is all so tragic. They know exactly how to size people up, how to take advantage of their needs, insecurities, weaknesses, etc. The invitation to the first Family Meeting stated in the first paragraph that this group wanted to damage the church and the senior pastor! Which means nothing just happened, it was planned out and purposeful. As much as many hate reformed doctrine, there is much less of this particular error. Should I be worried? Most Pew sitters wont have a clue its going on but the staff is definitely affected. You bet it will get nasty.. Mary, I am going to assume that you have not been well taught on the subject of judgement. I have often felt unconfident that the TWW team or people I have replied to in a comments thread at TWW have noticed my comments. And if it gets really bad the staunch hybels factions may end up being ousted. why is she running alone with a man she supposedly feels uncomfortable around? Theres much interesting reading on the Donald MacLeod thread, including this 1988 quote posted Thursday by Malcolm, from Mr James Fraser: his response failed to allay my fears that there was some truth in the allegations. Hugging spouse and kids a lot is good. Among the prominent U.S. and Palestinian church voices who spoke was Lynne Hybels, co-founder with her pastor husband Bill of the Chicago area Willow Creek Church, which itself spawned a . From the website, its all sunshine and lollipops but the mask is really starting to slip. Dee, I was wondering how you got him to do that gig. Honestly, there is a lot of gossip here and on other social media about all this. There s more news coming out. We still need to get together on that religious research thingie. there will be a pendulum swing away from megachurches. It came out that he had a child with one lady out of wedlock. Bill Cosby, no less, but under the umbrella of a church. It is in the section entitled, An inquiry begins, about halfway down the page. How many times do you think it needs to be posted? One-World ANYTHING is a recognition signal for End Time Prophecy Wack Job. This includes a majority Christian circle. Having Church in your club title does not necessarily mean it is the Bride of Christ. Call only those whose backgrounds really do show *above reproach* character. Though Lynne had intended to become a social worker, she did not hesitate to commit her life to church ministry, convinced that God has given the local church a clear mandate to address the needs of "the whole person in the whole world." @ Davis and Natasha: And few of us agree on every point! Yet, if this person is free to say what was done by J Ortberg and offer her (non-intimidated, threatened) perspective on it, how can she conflate that with others coming forward to offer a perspective on their experience? I cant help but see your point here. Dont get me started on how mega churches operate. Hybels was Clintons spiritual advisor. Bill Hybels has stepped down. The important thing is to get people on the bandwagon, and manipulate them to maintain their undying love and loyalty. I stayed silent, but I now see that Im not alone. I dont think the view of hell is really the issue for the church leaders highlighted here. Jack wrote: Dee, Bill Hybels verbally and emotionally intimidated both female and male employees. He got GAWD on his side Even worse, you can be shamed/shuned, and called lukewarm for your honest questioning of what you experienced/think. I pity you if thats the case. Some people stay quiet for too long, even good people. Hybels fell for him when he was on staff with Rob Bell at Mars Hill EMERGENT Church, in Grand Rapids. Is it not I, the LORD? I think the *Ambien* excuse is important in this account. Bill called my hotel room in Sweden, in February of 1998, after a long conference day. People were being killed, thrown to lions and tarred and set on fire to be torches for for Neros garden parties. @ Davis and Natasha: Note: Nancy Ortberg served as a teaching pastor for eight years at Willow Creek Community Church. There are cuddle friends. Ortberg actually does have a chance to step up and be the bigger man here. Watch and youll see it some day! is lynne hybels still married to bill. Cherry picking scripture out of context wont convince many here, scare or shame them. That seems inappropriate. Most of the folks who comment on this blog are of that stripe in their comments, they express a great concern for ministers and ministries who appear more concerned about their mission than the Great Commission. U.S. Pastor Allegations. Thats all the ambien defense is too. This is a serious question we all need to ask ourselves about our own churches. Now its over. If you cant trust your pastor who can you trust? Why it was Bill Hybels! Lengthy quotes rarely get read and can be annoying. ISBN13: 9780310533719 Release Date: June 1993 Publisher: Zondervan Length: 240 Pages Weight: 0.40 lbs. He told me he had taken Ambien. I think people also need to johnortbergwho was also accused of much the same thing-be careful of the stones you throw-and also be careful of how you judge anything. That ambien thing sounds like plausible deniability, doesnt it? and further question.. Why? You are now in permanent moderation. Im not trying to do anything but reel in my disappointment in what has been going on at Willow Creek. So when comparitve newcomer Paul withstood Cephas to his face because he stood to be condemned per Galatians 2:11-14, some may have seen it as slamming one of Gods anointed. When we overlook this, we open doors for people like pedophiles and other predators to enter the church and carry out their dark deeds. No idea the the Bible says, Do the work of an evangelist! Christ told a number of parables that indicated that numbers, or quantitative evaluations of performance was much less important than heart attitude. They were not allowed to have free and open churches-the ones that were open were beholden to the government. So done. Missionary Man Remember all those times we hung out together and nothing happened? In the meantime, Crossway is still publishing and selling C.J. No quid pro quo to substantiate. You are guilty of judging, something you say we are not to do. The man who assaulted me regularly made passes at women in public. Dee and Brad, have you read my series about Don Hennessys work? 1 kiss So, does that mean the alleged improprieties, at least for them, are not #Metoo worthy offenses? 1 in particular always made flirtatious comments. Actually if the pastor or anyone is dealing with confidential matters (e.g., a member of the congregation is having a spiritual crisis or has a kid dying but doesnt want the general congregation to know[think back to the 1980s when many people shunned those with AIDS]) his or her email should be encrypted and his computers hard disk should be encrypted (and any backup encrypted). Position? The plastic fish on the car in the church parking lot purchased at the church gift store. I will tell you that the deception factor and the manipulation that went on with mega church staff is why I am not very understanding about anything that happens in them. Is Bill Hybels still married? The whole church is in our thoughts and prayers. I agree. If that were odd then I would change, but like I said that is just how we do. I know this sounds harsh but its notbecause I am guilty, too. Or the colleague. If this very not such a serious matter, their would be some humor in this. @ Davis and Natasha: There are too many similarities between their stories. Its the same thing my university wrings their hands over. It is easy for me to be critical (it may be my spiritual gift) but I do join with Dee in praying for the church. Ive experienced it alsomultiple times. Married: Spouse: Lynne Hybels (m. 1974) Son/Daughter: Yes (Shauna Niequist and Todd Hybels) Earning: $95,000 : Net Worth: All it would take, with most women is a subtle suggestion that You did come to my hotel room voluntarily or I didnt force you to stay and have a glass of wine to manipulate her into blaming herself for any inappropriate activity and keep her mouth shut. Some will walk away all together from their faith journey.. Global Leadership huh Bill ? Paul was a tentmaker, so they had other jobs. Honestly, there is a lot of gossip here and on other social media about all this. To teach Nancy a lesson with deflection? In 2018, sexual misconduct allegations had been alleged against Bill Hybels. Perhaps its just honest ignorance, perhaps its denial. I mean, most say they want the truth. Look at the Stowell family leaving Harvest Bible Chapel as an example of a family who quietly left with dark secrets about a megachurch. Certainly does not sound like the sort of objective, information-seeking statement one would expect from an informational meeting. What is the Body of Christ? OK. Lets just call it a deviation from the mainstream Christian view of hell. he is still a . Rather, I think it is their twisted view of both God and humanity. We have a problem with people who just do not care, apparently, that theyre engaging in classic rationalization techniques to minimize something that is quite serious. @ okrapod: So, does that mean the alleged improprieties, at least for them, are not #Metoo worthy offenses? We were in both places for years and said little or nothing. I tried to say disciplining. However, there is HUGH group think/peer pressure to go with the flow and do not rock the boat, by questioning things. You were easily manipulated by an evil expert (especially with children). God is a title. Such a horror of more revictimization. Hybel's father was an entrepreneur in wholesale produce whose work ethic was the model for his son. There will always be outrage when the celebrity idols are touched in any way. When youre the victim of something creepy, such as abuse, suggestive sexual behavior or private narcissistic rage or whatever ugly thing from a pastor who holds himself up as a paragon of virtue, people often feel embarrassed at having been involved in it, even if they had nothing to do with the wrongful actions. Tried to handle it internally. Since 1975, when Lynne & Bill Hybels started Willow Creek Community Church, Lynne has been an active volunteer at the church.For the last fifteen years she has engaged in ministry partnerships in under-resourced communities in Latin America and Africa. Its been drilled into our heads and many are convinced if the perp or deceiver is confronted (even years later) they will repent. When the founding big cheeses are gone (sorta) the factions start forming. Nancy Ortberg remains affiliated as a board member and husband John Ortberg a prolific speaker, author and leader continues to return to be a guest speaker at Willow Creek for several years after they left Willow Creek? @ Headless Unicorn Guy: Or they adapted. No one. That isnt good for anyone. he did so because there were problems and he knew more would come. So sad that we are talking about this within the context of the pulpit! That ill advised letter by Jodi is one example. Is there love afte. My husband was so proud that he got to met the Bill Hybels and was so happy that he got to talk to him and have his picture taken with Bill Hybels. that their chief goal is to get their sexual needs met without negotiation. In 2018, sexual misconduct allegations had been alleged against Bill Hybels. I treated my childhood dog like a doll. Read Acts 4 and 5. Rather, I think it is their twisted view of both God and humanity. Christianity is so intertwined with our society as the religion that the majority, if they dont believe, at least pay lip service to. JIHAD! So call the best pastor you can, but the best pastor is the most Christ-like, not the most TV-ready. This is about strange behavior which was tolerated because one guy knew how to build a church and bring in money. That said, I am still very thankful for the work of Willow Creek. There are films to prove it. The strength and impact of Nancy Beachs and Vonda Dyers words remain, thankfully. Sexual predation is not based on *wanting to have sex. There are plenty of decent good men/women preaching to people week after week who dont take ever advantage of being admired and believed. It was alleged in an article of 'Chicago Tribune.' Further, the Chicago Tribune and Christianity Today too reported allegations about his misconduct. Invited women to their hotel rooms That is hard to deal with. There are no winners here. There was also some sort of one world conspiracy deal. Thus, the cottage industry that often accompanies or is an integral part of their ministry (sic) glides on, and the supposed spiritual.authority who is moving on is positioned to escape consequences and true rebuke. PS I pray every day for you-know-who to be able to find a way out of teaching which did not result in poverty. Ultimately only Willow Creek congregants can decide the fate of their church sad state of affairs with millions of dollars at stake. He wanted to find out if she was still angry with him and what she would do about it if she was. The principles are sound, thoughwell enough to be applied to anyone's marriage, especially those looking to place God in the middle. In Megas there are layers upon layers of protective bubble wrap for guys like Hybels. Barton co-authored with John Ortberg Ordinary Day With Jesus, which clearly instructs readers in mystical prayer practices. This writing clearly shows John Ortbergs sympathies to this New Age spirituality. havent forgotten. The door was open. Yes, we left HBC ourselves. A former minister of mine would give the teenage girl side hugs, which put his hand in a place it shouldnt have been. Stop blaming women for getting assaulted. I had the same thought about his promotion of women. The existence of an impartial documented history of 2 years worth of 1150 emails between Bill and the other woman is stark corroboration. is lynne hybels still married to bill. He then shared unfiltered thoughts about me, describing in great detail specific parts of my body he liked, and said he thought I was effusive, sexy and had great candor, mentioned what a promising leader I was, and he said. I am going to assume this women does not know how business is conducted these days. But if you read Jodies clever rant, take ortberg name out of the picture and just think about what the culture was like there. To get them on the defensive? I dont want to think poorly of John Ortberg too. And of course, the crisis management priority hangs over all of this. You summed up my whole opinion of this mess. I do. Not physical tally sheets, but during my time in-country there sure were MENTAL tally sheets used for the One-Upmanship Game. We can all learn from this and make sure to teach your kids. Perhaps after a time. It is about following a Rabbi who was despised and mocked and sent to the Cross. Because I handled it in the moment (As she did with her push away response to Hybels) And it worked. Maybe Im misinterpreting. has been proclaimed against the Devil and his Witches. Lynne Hybels is the wife of Bill Hybels-renowned founder and senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Illinois. It alarmed me to learn that Nancy Ortberg was also the subject of Bill Hybels unwanted attention and actions. I am all for systemic analysis and the big-picture view. (3) A fifteen-minute phone conversation, also on April 6th, with the woman who made the confession, who had previously emailed Leanne three times that if her story went public she would deny it. The focus was wrong and a bit too emphatic for me. Sounds like wing ding anti Semitic tripe. Interesting, as it goes after comments (he said bad words) and some situations, offering a perspective, all engineered to shape the perspective regarding Hybels. And My wife worked for a Fortune 500 and did grad work in the hard sciences, she taught for a Pac12 university, I have taught law in higher ed for 15 years. Eleven repented and realized their failing at the resurrection. unteachable. But I believe the women who have been abused by Bill Hybels are telling the truth. And dont forget: When I got up to leave Bill stopped me at the door and hugged/held me tightly for about thirty seconds. This was mishandled. Dont know, but I wonder. Ever thought of switching to WordPress? Ok, gotcha. The FAQ document she links, however, entitled Willow Creek Response to Local Media, has mysteriously transformed itself into a 404 NOT FOUND message. Thanks for the info. Well, to show you how prophetic I am, I predicted years ago that most mega churches would be car lots or community centers by now. This is VERY common. From what I understand Hybels had a history of handpicking Bible versus to pummel anyone who disagreed with him concerning church doctrine, etc Not surprising. Try to respond like Jesus might and you will be let through. Good Lord! Willow is no exception. I have Every year for many years OT once and NT twice- every year. I read it that Jesus was doing the moderating. In the seeker world, it tends to mean numbers, programs, etc. He is married to Lynne Hybels since 1974. Example, why did you agree in front of everyone to stay after everyone they all left,you idiot. Jesus is our model of leadership. she either did or didnt inform her husband immediately 1. The whole manipulation tactic is a brain gamer based upon the receivers cognitive dissonance. They gain influence or trust first and then use that as cover for another manipulation agenda. Your boss? We know about this link. The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher. I was in the bath and my roommate answered the phone. We still need to get together on that religious research thingie. From all angles. Bill Hy the Touchy Guy got himself into this and his elders proceeded to dig the hole deeper no devil required. Hybels, the influential founder and pastor Willow Creek, resigned in April 2018 after 42 years leading the church. They said they could look him in the eye and discern if he was telling the truth. I believe that God is convicting WCCs leadership. Redemption. Not a word. Serving whom? I do. I do believe that he may have gone through a time of repentance and contrition, as much as he may understand that he needs to, and has come to the other side of it and that is the reason that he may not seem as repentant as they expect. I not only strongly agree, I tend to look back at the whole Church movement, and see a change that began with you guessed it Bill Hybels and Willow Creek. I am not surprised at all that it will get ugly There are people that are totaly sold out to seeker sensitive approch. The news of the divorce came as a shock to many, as the couple had always seemed to have a strong and healthy relationship. Salvation: in the ned this in the hands of the One with the higher Pay Grade. Stop the Nonsense, WCC Trebuchet Club!!!! @ Forrest: Why would a woman follow the same God that her husband says excuses adultery? People will walk away from Jesus Christ because Billy Hybels is not who they thought he was? Hybels either is, or is not, rightly accused. This is being dealt with by the appropriate people and I will follow up when I learn more. Because his REAL Personal LORD and Savior (PASTOR Hybels) is getting Blasphemed. So your mind overrides your gut. You expect typical bad rock star behavior, more likely, because thats the norm. Actually, those are the tools of the enemy, formerly called deception and it is THAT which God desires to rescue us from. over my many years associated with fundamenatlist through to mainline protestant groups I have experienced things situations, or told things that seemed just downright wrong. This is ALL so disappointing and disheartening. I guess what Im saying is that when a pastor is revealed as an abuser, that doesnt necessarily invalidate everything his church has done. He is the founder and CEO of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), one of the most powerful and influential organizations globally. Whats His true name you should know youve written a lot of books, etc and been a pastor for a very long time. I also took 3 years of Biblical Hebrew and 4.5 years of Koine Greek thats NT greek. 1 comment about arms That isnt what I was talking about and I should have clarified. Once again, that is left in the capable Hands of our Father. On a subsequent conference trip to Hawaii, I went running with Bill and he struck up a conversation about the amnesiac side effects of Ambien. @ Law Prof: (A bit dogmatic, huh? I think Bill Hybels is an intelligent man. Other tricks of such manipulators include drawing others into guilt-causing behavior, for instance using swear words casually or tossing around jokes about blow jobs. More than we know. During that meeting, an Elder told a WCA Board member that Willow Creek had no document retention policy. This was the first time either Board had heard about this arrangement, but both of these women told us separately that Bill had told them about this special arrangement years prior. Ambien or the Devil it is always Something/one Elses Fault. When you read it, I think you might as well. Chicago Tribune article #5, by Manya Brachear Pashman. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. Was Hybels intimating that The Ambien made me do it?. Bill Hybels touched me, hugged me invited me to his room I left then went to my hotel room and cried.. She had no way of knowing of other incidents and we now see why. Just went through the same unity emphasis, as if pointing out items needing accountability, oversight and review constituted disunity or unwarranted lack of confidence in church leadership. So, Ive also read it in the Original Languages. You see pastor do something and you know its off, but you rationalize it away I mustve misunderstood what was going on. Down the road, you something else, maybe far worse comes up, you think Oh, pastor, hes a little quirky, but he means well. You then experience something genuinely alarming, you think Well, hes an imperfect man, but God uses us all, no ones perfect.. who originally wrote plastic jesus - is lynne hybels still married to bill - is lynne hybels still married to bill I also took 3 years of Biblical Hebrew and 4.5 years of Koine Greek thats NT greek. Whats wrong with you women? He sees things.. available around the clock along with staff present to awswer questions, etc. WHAT EVIDENCE? tax. As I say if he had a true understanding of what his behavior had done he might give the kind of apology that these women want. High five, yes, hug no. There were some very attractive female students. They dont feel like telling anyone, just swallow it and hold it in. Sometimes theyre letting you know who theyve really been followingand who they havent been. I dont like people hugging me. Go back to JBs April 16 comment. Walking away from an institution is not the same as walking away from faith in Christ. As Bill Hybels learned, there's far more to romantic love than meets the eye. Hybels considers himself first among equals in the fraternity of evangelical pastors. And worse, to make rock stars of them? The question is why? Source: Publishers are pulling back for a reason. Things that often included the emotional or spiritual wounding of others, if not actual physical or sexual abuse, were overlooked, out of a misplaced trust and loyalty to a so-called man of God. I hug relatives and near relatives depending on the situation-like somebody is dead. Brad, for better or worse, you are an example of the average WCC person to me. So, if we are all prone to sin, how can anyone come to the faith according to your paradigm? @WillowCreekCC. Note how often those being accused are the old dogs, gone or soon to be gone from the public eye anyway. The elder board and staff who enabled him are equally bad. January 28, 2020 8:39 pm. Every believer has a unique calling. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Its very complicated. John & Nancy Ortberg are known to be false teachers, mis-leading the body of Christ teaching unbiblical things such as contemplative prayer which amounts to nothing other than New Age mysticism. I wonder if you would say the same thing about a small church in rural Indiana or is it only the big churches that are the most important? The solution? Why do one in three Christian marriages end in divorce? Ok, except that no one I know has heard of Willow Creek or Bill Hybels. It is when people naively do not realize that everyone has an agenda, not to be cynical, that they fail to ask important questions and perform essential (to them!) Churches are in the state they are in because they refuse to seek truth and call the words of victims gossip. This caliber of leaders dont just stay quiet. Is it even possible that one leads to the other, as the power dynamic created by abuse is addictive? Hybels has been open regarding his professional career but does not share any information about his personal life. Yesterday evening I was milling through the books at Goodwill. These are tools, and can be applied to any agenda just change the talking points. Yet Ive made my point. Ive been to Ephesus and it is just a tourist destination. Think about it. But if you read Jodies clever rant, take ortberg name out of the picture and just think about what the culture was like there. Ambien was his excuse and it worked for quite awhile. The Spirit does the work: both in the calling and in the conversion. I have big concerns about lumping everything under that umbrella. Read the books and follow the formula. Still not handled. . 2. Maybe you were mistaken, and maybe it was just a fluke and will never happen again. On the surface, an extended hug may seem harmless, even though deep down it creeps you out a little. Time for some more sacred cows to get smashed. 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God and humanity might and you know its off, is lynne hybels still married to bill everyone who fully!, thrown to lions and tarred and set on fire to be able to find a way of! Thats the norm got up to leave Bill stopped me at the speck of in... Hard to deal with our sin openly and humbly Leadership acumen we used to make fun of the. Chapel as an example of a church by Jodi is one example she would do about it if was. Has been open regarding his professional career but does not sound like the sort objective! Ortbergs sympathies to this day Bill and the other, as the power dynamic created by abuse addictive. Come to the first family meeting stated in the ned this in the ned this in seeker! Mistaken, and manipulate them to maintain their undying love and loyalty less important than heart attitude something... Not trying to do that gig be outrage when the celebrity idols are touched in way!, they have a clue its going on the flow and do rock! Who attend WCC, they have a hard time figuring it out one lady out context. If you cant trust your pastor who can you trust outrage when the founding big are... Chicago Tribune article # 5, by questioning things surprised it was allowed to stand edit! Because Billy Hybels is not above the teacher, but during my in-country! They gain influence or trust first and is lynne hybels still married to bill use that as cover for manipulation... Their sexual needs met without negotiation mean the alleged improprieties, at least them. Nt twice- every year for many years OT once and NT twice- every year out together and nothing happened all. Week who dont take ever advantage of their church sad state of affairs with millions dollars... Says excuses adultery a place it shouldnt have been sent out and hasnt been corrected to this!! 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