strengths and weaknesses of labelling theory in education pdf

strengths and weaknesses of labelling theory in education pdf

This approach to delinquency from the perspective of role-taking stems from Briar and Piliavin (1965), who found that boys who are uncommitted to conventional structures for action can be incited into delinquency by other boys. History has shown that society has and will change to accept criminal behaviour or to make legal behaviour illegal. It was through his work as a musician Becker first became exposed to drug culture, which he would later study. Those are, no acts are inherently criminal, there can be a process of self-labelling, it covers or is supposed to cover all criminal activity, depends on the members of the society or those that do the labelling and finally it depends on the personality of the individual. In schools, those that come from a working class family or a lower class, the youth gangs are seen as trouble makers compared to the middle class gangs who are labelled as pranksters instead. In his book, Howard also discussed Moral Panics, or small incidents that are magnified through free press, gossip, or folklore to create a threat or instill panic in society when in reality, it isnt threatening. If she lives in Illinois, where the use of medical marijuana is legal and decriminalized, she will have no problem purchasing and using it. There is however no scientific study on the effects of the above factors. Disclaimer: This essay has been written by a law student and not by our expert law writers. The labelling theory emerges from the School of Chicago, with many theorists being members of the Chicago school, or simply influenced by Chicago School thinking. This essay will go on to show the origins of labelling theory, the theory itself and will show its strengths and weaknesses using various case-studies and examples. Criticism in the 1970s undermined the popularity of labeling theory. However, more inclusive reviews of studies that examine how formal labeling affects subsequent behavior show more mixed results. *You can also browse our support articles here >. Plummer, K (1979). The uneasy and ambiguous interactions between non-deviantly and deviantly-labeledpeople can, lead normals and the stigmatized to arrange life so as to avoid them, (Goffman, 1963). Erwin Lemert is credited with being the founder of what is called the "Societal Reaction" theory. China is a unique cultural context for examining labeling theory in that officially, the Chinese Communist party and government emphasized educating, instructing, and dealing with the emotions of offenders and discouraged people from discriminating against them. Thus, those labeled as deviant would want to seek relationships with those who also have a deviant self-concept. that label (even if we object to it). He is also responsible for coining the term moral entrepreneur which is a term used to describe law making officials who get certain criminal behaviour illegal. It is the teachers duty to focus on students strengths and help them to . The researchers highlight three stages through which labels evolve: During the speculation stage, "first impressions" are made on the basis of things like the students appearance, ability and enthusiasm and their relationship with other students. According to him, society then places certain behavioural expectations on the individual and the individual subconsciously changes his behaviour to suit the expectations of society. But as mentioned before, the individual or group may seek to rationalize their behaviour, thus avoiding the prospect of self labelling. Last accessed 17 January 2010. What matters was the type of people going through the criminal justice system. Lemert (1967) brought out the connection between social reaction and deviance through his studies and research of a number of Indian tribes in British Columbia. Principles of criminology: Altamira Press. As those labeled as deviants experience more social interactions where they are given the stereotypical expectation of deviance, this can shape that persons self-concept. There have been studies to show how after being diagnosed with a mental illness labelling has taken an effect, such as not being offered houses and jobs, but there is very little to show that labelling was the cause of mental illness in the first place. These labels are informal (Kavish, Mullins, and Soto, 2016). Labelling also involves both a wrong or deviant act and a deviant person. Later, Sampson and Laub (1997) argued that defiant or difficult children can be subject to labeling and subsequent stigma that undermines attachments to conventional others family, school, and peers. Therefore Becker says that personal motives and the influence by society has nothing to do with criminal behaviour. Its understanding is fundamental for those who wish to receive profound knowledge in many fields, including sociology and criminology. - The theory points to the importance of early socialisation and family relationships in understanding criminal behaviour. Secondly is the process of self-labelling. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Labeling theory argues that no act is intrinsically criminal, meaning that no action is always criminal in nature. Other theorists, such as Sampson and Laub (1990) have examined labeling theory in the context of social bonding theory. They mention that the above mentioned factors can either enhance or mitigate the effects of labelling theory. Using this essay writing service is legal and is not prohibited by any university/college policies. criminals don't need labels to know . Labeling theory was quite popular in the 1960s and early 1970s but then fell into decline partly as a result of the mixed results of empirical research (Criminal Law 2010). Journal of research in crime and delinquency, 43(1), 67-88. Zhang, L. (1994b). The role of arrest in domestic assault: The Omaha police experiment. Howard Becker, H. (1953). Kavish, D. R., Mullins, C. W., & Soto, D. A. perceive ourselves depends in part on how others see us, so This goes against the labelling theory, which states that labelling must come from a third party. The first phase is known as the Primary deviance phase. He said that due to their illness, they behave differently most of the time and are hence treated as such. ideas on labelling theory by defining the meaning of deviance, demonstrating its usefulness. One of the most important approaches to understanding the nature of crime is called the labeling theory. So she decides to purchase some medical weed. Thus the quality of deviance does not reside in the behaviour itself, but is rather the outcome of responses to that behaviour by various social audiences (Tierney). One of the other drawbacks also mentions the aspect of self-labelling. It is this latter form of deviance that enabled Labeling theory to gain such immense popularity in the 1960's, forcing criminologists to reconsider how large a part His main concept was the 'dramatization of evil'. It tends to be deterministic, implying that once someone is labeled, a deviant career is inevitable. He questioned fifty of those users and found that they did not have any pre-dispositional behaviour towards it. The labeling theory states that societys response to these behaviors determines whether that behavior should have a deviant label or not. Probs., 13, 35. had bad storytelling and oratory skills were mocked. As a result, the person can see themselves as a deviant (Bamburg, 2009). Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Bernburg, J. G. Chapter title: Labeling and Secondary Deviance. Thus we see that labelling though introduced to help society and make it a better place can actually make it worse. Simply Scholar Ltd - All rights reserved. American Sociological Review, 680-690. Helping make knowledgeable predictions. They then form bonds with like minded deviant peers. Sherman, W., & Berk, R. A. - Critics doubt the existence of an unconscious mind how . Stigma and social identity. Intervention may make things worse. Zhang, L., & Messner, S. F. (1994a). Deterrence theory states that whether or not someone commits an act of deviance is determined largely by the costs and benefits of committing a crime versus the threat of punishment. We can thus conclude that labelling theory does have an effect, but is not the primary cause for most of the acts committed. A brilliant research that served as a guideline in my tertiary case study on criminal law. He or she is then labelled criminal but has yet to accept the label. In their opinion, we need to find out why some people are labeled as deviant in order to understand the nature of deviant behavior itself. These people learn to define what they are and what they do on the basis of how they see the attitudes of the people around them (Bernburg, 2009). He therefore suggested that the actual act is impertinent to the theory. In Handbook on crime and deviance (pp. Children of those tribes that placed a very high emphasis on storytelling were often brought up in a culture that placed a high value on not stuttering and having good oratory skills. The conventions of these groups can have heavy influence on the decisions to act delinquently. Because these labeledyouths are not necessarily rejecting other labeledyouths, it thus makes sense that deviant groups can form where deviants provide social support to other deviants. Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Labelling theory is the theory that the public act in the way that society has labelled them, which gives negative connotations towards that person. Some studies found that being officially labeled a criminal (e.g. The first phase is known as the Primary deviance phase. Labeling theory recognizes that labels will vary depending on the culture, time period, and situation. In 1981 and 1982, the Minneapolis Police Department conducted an experiment to determine the effect of arresting domestic violence suspects on subsequent behavior (Sherman and Berk, 1984). Chiricos, T., Barrick, K., Bales, W., & Bontrager, S. (2007). Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Researchers, such as Matsueda (1992), have clarified how labeling leads to deviance, particularly when this labeling is informa, and these findings have been more replicable than those in the past. Some studies found that being officially labeled a criminal (e.g. al., 1989). He said that in tribes where good oratory skills were not expected, there was no negative reaction and hence there was no deviance of the above type. All their other associations and labels such as that of parent, employee, and so on take a back seat. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of If the person views themselves as a criminal then the secondary deviant phase has begun. This interactionist perspective helps criminologists understand an individuals actions and reactions. Grove said that society has no influence whatsoever on mental illness. This essay will go on to show the origins of labelling theory, the theory itself and will show its strengths and weaknesses using various case-studies and examples. Howard Becker is an American sociologist who produced Outsiders in 1963 that talks about the Sociology of Deviance. It merely states what society currently thinks. judgments, or labels, that modify Shows that the Law is not a fixed set of rules to be taken for granted, but something whose construction we need to explain. This is summed up by differential association theory (Sutherland and Cressey, 1992), which states that being able to associate and interact with deviant people more easily leads to the transference of deviant attitudes and behaviors between those in the group, leading to further deviance. The secondary deviance phase usually begins when a person has accepted the criminal label. (2016). mile argues that whats considered a crime and delinquency is actually those that outrages the society and not those that simply violate penal codes. Labeling theory is an approach in the sociology of deviance that focuses on the ways in which the agents of social control attach stigmatizing stereotypes to particular groups, and the ways in which the stigmatized change their behavior once labeled. (2006). Lower-class people and those from minority groups are more likely to be involved with police interventions, and when those from minority groups are involved in police interventions, they are more likely to lead to an arrest, accounting for the nature and seriousness of the offense (Warden and Shepard, 1996). We can summarise the strengths of this approach as follows: I am interested in labeling theory. He stated that if a person is described as being a criminal then he automatically becomes one. Its defined as behaviors that are out of the normal activities in society. Becker pays particular attention to how people and society react and operate with others who have the criminal label. 806 8067 22, Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE, evaluation of labelling theory - negatives, Interactionist Theories on Social Class and Crime. This can replace the role that the conventional groups who have rejected these youths would have otherwise served (Bernburg, 2009). Sherman and Smith (1992) argued that this deterrence was caused by the increased stake in conformity employed domestic violence suspects have in comparison to those who are unemployed. Strengths and weaknesses of labelling theory - Sociology bibliographies - Cite This For Me. Continue with Recommended Cookies, CriminologySymbolic InteractionismLabeling, By CharlotteNickerson, published Oct 08, 2021. These are the view that labels can contribute to improvements in education and that they may impact negatively on schooling. Bernburg, J. G., & Krohn, M. D. (2003). Thus we see that labelling though introduced to help society and make it a better place can actually make it worse. arrested or convicted) increased subsequent crime, while other studies did not. Tannenbaum (1938) is widely regarded as the first labelling theorist. He is also responsible for coining the term moral entrepreneur which is a term used to describe law making officials who get certain criminal behaviour illegal. Labeling theorists specify two types of categories when investigating the implications of labeling: formal and informal labels. The people around her wont find it a deviant act. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. Fourthly, it matters on who the audience is comprised of, as the level of denouncement an individual feels depends on the audiences reaction to the act. Labelling/Interactionist (action) theories of crime and deviance. Conceptualizing stigma. In summary, symbolic interactionism is a theory in sociology that argues that society is created and maintained by face-to-face, repeated, meaningful interactions among individuals (Carter and Fuller, 2016). Becker proposed that criminal behaviour is dynamic in nature and changes throughout time. They then accept themselves as being criminal as use it to counter (either by moving with similar peer groups or by other means) societys reaction to the initial act. An example would be drugs. He said that in tribes where good oratory skills were not expected, there was no negative reaction and hence there was no deviance of the above type. Some sociologists, such as Matsueda (1992) have argued that the concept of self is formed on the basis of their interactions with other people. The main point of view is whether he or she has accepted the criminal label. An example would be drugs. This effect is so profound that Becker states that individuals with this label begin to be associated with the word criminal. Coming from a research background in biology and archeology, Charlotte currently studies how digital and physical space shapes human beliefs, norms, and behaviors and how this can be used to create businesses with greater social impact. Here, at Studybay, my objective is to make sure all our texts are clear, informative, and engaging. The second is known as the Secondary deviance phase. Huizinga, D., & Henry, K. L. (2008). Labelling theory - strengths. In other societies however, soft drugs are illegal and the people who use them are labelled as deviant. In other societies however, soft drugs are illegal and the people who use them are labelled as deviant. He then went on to find that tribe that had stuttering, placed a very high meaning and emphasis on storytelling and oratory skills. Sampson, R. J., & Laub, J. H. (1990). This finding which implies that formal labeling only increases deviance in specific situations is consistent with deterrence theory. Control Strategy: Control theory advances the proposition that weak bonds between the individual and society allow people to deviate. They would be able to smoke it at one time and at others, they wont be able to. function Gsitesearch(curobj){curobj.q.value="site:"+domainroot+" "+curobj.qfront.value}. It is in these societies that the policing organisations have trouble controlling the abuse of drugs. He pointed out that deviance was created entirely on the whims of authority. Ashley has severe anxiety, and shes aware of the medicinal properties of marijuana. The drugtakers. From a theoretical perspective, Matsueda drew on the behavioral principles of George Herbert Mead, which states that ones perception of themselves is formed by their interactions with others. There are clearly some acts considered wrong in almost all the societies and nations in the world, murder, arson are a few such examples (cited in labelling theory). This is very perfect information and clear explanation of the basics, thank you! Becker, H. (1963). He said that labelling theory and the mentally ill have no influence on one another. It argues that no act is intrinsically criminal, but it takes root from what society deemed deviant or those that violate the norms and create social problems. Folk Devils and Moral Panics (Cohen 1972). Crime & Delinquency, 62(10), 1313-1336. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'simplypsychology_org-leader-4','ezslot_24',100,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-simplypsychology_org-leader-4-0'); Link, B. Labelling theory supports the idea of radical non-interventionism, in which policy dictates that certain acts are decriminalised and the removal of the social stigmata surrounding the acts. The last drawback of the labelling theory is that the personality of the individual matters. Therefore, this theory is often used to understand criminal behavior or those that are considered deviants. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'simplypsychology_org-leader-1','ezslot_11',142,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-simplypsychology_org-leader-1-0'); The consequences of labeling on subsequent delinquency are dependent on the larger cultural context of where the delinquency happens. In the early 1990s, the Chinese government frequently had political and social drives to deter crime and deviance through mobilizing the masses to punish deviants (Zhang, 1994b). All their other associations and labels such as that of parent, employee, and so on take a back seat. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. They mention that the above mentioned factors can either enhance or mitigate the effects of labelling theory. Ian and Christian are males who love each other and want to get married. Available: Notably, Paternoster and Iovanni (1989) argued that large portions of labeling research were methodologically flawed to the extent that it offered few conclusions for sociologists. Crime, punishment, and stake in conformity: Legal and informal control of domestic violence. Formal labels are labels ascribed to an individual by someone who has the formal status and ability to discern deviant behavior. - Psychoanalytic explanations have had some influence on policies for dealing with crime and deviance. It has been criticized for ignoring the capacity of the individual to resist the labeling and assuming that it is an automatic process. Will vary depending on the decisions to act delinquently Critics doubt the existence of an unconscious mind.. It at one time and are hence treated as such conclude that labelling theory is often used to understand behavior. 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Mathias Daltrey, Articles S