ad and thamud

ad and thamud

We simply do not know the true date and timeline for when the first Thamud of the Quran existed and, therefore, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to accurately identify the ruins of such an ancient civilization that lived thousands years ago. 3. [Sahih Muslim, Book 55, Hadith 49]. [19], To the Thamd, We sent their brother, li. Think over this in detail. Having similar names doesnt mean much These people incurred the wrath of God and were destroyed. [7][8] In a somewhat muddled passage, Pliny the Elder, a Roman historian of the first century CE, appears to locate the Thamd at the unidentified inland town of "Baclanaza". [78] Their Messengers came to them with Clear Signs. As were dealing with an allegation that is mostly Christian in origin, I am going to start with what the Bible says about the topic. I would be interested in your response to my other points as well. The blast struck the evildoers and they lay dead in their homes, as though they had never lived and flourished there. The Middle verse in chapter (25) of the Noble Quran talks about Noah's people, Ad (the people of the prophet Hud) and Thamud (the people of the prophet Salih). Here is how their argument goes: The Quran describes prophet called Salih ( ), who lived in the Thamud tribe. I hope the Christians, after having read this, will decide to do whats ethical and moral. God then destroyed the tribe, except for Salih and a few other righteous men. 62-63]. There has come to you clear evidence from your Lord. Thanks for the article and yea I see no problem. They felt that their habitations would, somehow, secure them from destruction. The earliest Arab tribes emerged from Bedouins. [17], Thamud is mentioned twenty-three times in the Quran as part of a moralistic lesson about God's destruction of sinful nations, a central motif in the Quran. According to the Islamic tradition, the Thamd were warned by the prophet li to worship Allh, but the Thamd stubbornly refused and as a result were anni. Most scholars interpret this as an earthquake. Thats all the Thamud had to do. Source: Sahih Muslim 2980, Grade: Sahih. Yusuf Ali: But if they turn away, say thou: "I . They are mentioned in the Quran as examples of civilizations that Allah had destroyed because of their sins and as signs of the fleeting nature of the worldly power. Corrections? [9] The Thamd also joined the Roman armies as auxiliaries, and the Notitia Dignitatum mentions two units of Thamd warriors serving the Roman Empire, one in Egypt and the other in Palestine.[10]. They did worship Allah, which Ill prove soon. Your email address will not be published. Assalam alikum forget the rest of what Ive put down but I was just wondering does 36:41 prove that every one on the earth comes from the people of tge ark if yes then how does that work because people could still see thamud dwellings so that means they could only come thousands of years of go but we know noah had to come near them but we know humans have been here at least 40 thousand bc so how do we explain this, Assalam alikum thanks for the answers but thamud had to be destroyed no lesser than 3000 bc not 800 bc jazzakallah because thamud came before Abraham jazzakallah but thanks, Also if the quran says the area is wadi al qura then madian al saleh is not wadi al qura jazzakallah but thanks, But of course in there empire day they would of probably built in wadi al qura and al ula and madian al saleh and else where in there area because they would of had a large population any where between 20 thousand to 50 thousand people because mekkah and median together came to 20-40 thousand people in the prophets day and 40:21 says these people were more in population so they had to be more than mekkah and median, Assalam alikum also dies 7:74 mean that Thamud were the descendents of ad or not or were they they descendents of ad jazzakallah. They are aws and athiri in origin with element of arphaxad Its in their records, that we find out first mention of Thamud. The Edomites and Thamud Numerous rock writings and pictures traditionally attributed to the Thamd have been found on Mount Athlab and throughout central Arabia; though labeled Thamdic, they actually reflect a diverse set of ancient Semitic dialects used by various Arabian tribes. Eph'al instead speculates that the Thamd and other Arab tribes may have made arrangements with Sargon to trade in Samaria, which Assyrian historians embellished as submission. In the worst cases, they may even go so far as to challenge Allah. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. It is addressed there The Qurn mentions the Thamd as examples of the transitoriness of worldly power. Do you construct on every elevation a sign amusing yourselves? It was these nine families that cause much of the problems for Salih. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. I think its just like 43:47, 21:12, 32:26 and 37:73. . So what we see are Hellenistic structures built by Midianites taken over from the Thamud. (LogOut/ These two groups are considered to be ancestors to modern day Arabs. As for objection number one, as far as my research has shown, the only reason that the carved-out structures are considered tombs is due to various rectangular carved out niches inside them where the dead bodies were to be placed. [26] The name is a misnomer from the nineteenth century, when such texts were discovered in areas associated with the Thamud in the Islamic tradition. The Thamd were known from contemporary sources to have occupied parts of the Hejaz region, and later Islamic tradition holds that they settled on the slopes of Mount Athlab. Dont ever think youre indespensible. When they cut the hamstring of a female camel that God had sent down for them, despite the prophet's warnings, they were annihilated, except for Salih and his followers. And so, when Our command was fulfilled, by Our mercy We saved li and his fellow believers from the disgrace of that day. Chapter___ MUSLIMS ARE FUNDAMENTALISTS AND TERRORI Chapter___ Human Embryonic Development __ Qur'an a Atowar Rahman Salafi _ Atowar Rahman Salafi | atow Suhih Bukhari_ Book of "End of the World". These prefixes ignored in the alphabetical ordering: Al, Bani, Banu. And they used to carve from the mountains, houses, feeling secure. These prefixes ignored in the alphabetical ordering: Al, Al-Bu, Albu, Banu. Qur'anic accounts of Salih always follow those of Hud. Not only did they reject them, they mocked, ridiculed, and in the case of Salih (AS) they even tried to kill him. 5. We hardly know anything about the Nabateans aside of their nomadic life-style, which is not consonant with building these incredible structures. In Umayya's account, there is no Salih. These include Sunni Huwala and Achomi people, who compromise of both fully Arab and mixed Arab-Persian families. 2 See, I will make you small among the nations; Sorry for such a late response. Missionaries and polemicists seize upon the error of this folklore as an alleged example of the error of the Quran, but in reality, this is not the case. If the Nabateans carved out the structures on the hills and mountains of Petra and Median Saleh, as the Christians allege, then both the Quran and the Bible are in error, which I dont agree with. But I digress. He said, "My people, just think: if I did have clear proof from my Lord, and if He had given me mercy of His own, who could protect me from God if I disobeyed Him? who occupy the heights of the hill. (29:38) If they turn away, then say, I warn you of a lightning-bolt like the lightning-bolt of Ad and of Thamud. You can find the first onehere), Thamud were before time of the Israelites they were same time as the Assyrians who they mixed with. Most decent Muslims would never do such a thing, but there are many misguided people who do. Theyre mentioned in 25:38 and 50:12. However, not all of them were destroyed; Salih and hisfollowers continued to live on. The Aad before them were pretty decent architects and built some fairly magnificent castles. They were scientists and technicians and craftsmen, so they wanted conclusive proof. It is not specific to the 2 Arab tribes. Between the mountains were valleys with gardens and springs of water. Of course, only Allah knows the truth. 7. After the given time was over, an earthquake shook the land violently and destroyed the people of Thamud in one cry. We have heard a message from the LORD: well) who killed their Prophet AS and hung him inside a well. Several broken columns in the ruins of Wadi Ramm have been interpreted as the lofty pillars associated with Iram in the Quran. Yet as we have seen, the Quran does not claim any of these specific sites belong to the ancient tribe of Thamud per se. It had no written law, but the tribal leader played the role of ruler. [30], In the 12th century, the Arab Ja'alin tribe migrated into Nubia and Sudan and formerly occupied the country on both banks of the Nile from Khartoum to Abu Hamad. The Thamud ( Arabic: , romanized : amd) were an ancient Arabian tribe or tribal confederation [1] that occupied the northwestern Arabian peninsula between the late-eighth century BCE, when they are attested in Assyrian sources, and the fifth century CE, when they served as Roman auxiliaries. Is their carved construction still there today? It was He who brought you into being from the earth and made you inhabit it, so ask forgiveness from Him, and turn back to Him: my Lord is near, and ready to answer." [13] Adnanites are believed to be the descendants of Ishmael through Adnan but the traditional Adnanite lineage doesn't match the biblical line exactly. [2] The Quran endorses this fact; they were not outright destroyed and the believers survived: Then look! Al-ijr is now a vast plain, interspersed with hills into which what looks from the outside like houses or tombs have been carved. Assalamualaikum I dont believe 27:50-53 is necessarily referring to their houses existing at the time of the Prophet SAW when they tell us to behold the sign therein. If we remember that Ismails mother (Hajjar) was an Egyptian, or Coptic, slave, and his father Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was Babylonian, then its obvious that he couldnt also be Arab. Marcus Aurelius Anthoninus and Lucius Aurelius Verus, who are the conquerors of the Armenians. Dont ignore them. Therefore, the Adnanites are descendants of Abraham. After the destruction of Ad, Thamud succeeded them in power and grandeur. What else do you have in mind I will post the links here for now. The Aad and Thamud were both located in the northwestern part of modern day Saudi Arabia near the border of Jordan. The Tribes of Arabia (Arabic: ) or Arab tribes (Arabic: ) are the ethnic Arab tribes and clans that originated in the Arabian Peninsula. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Although the Thamud probably originated in southern Arabia, a large group apparently moved northward at an early date, traditionally settling on the slopes of Mount Athlab. But the shriek seized them at early morning. Yes, the Thamd denied their Lordso away with the Thamd! It mentions the elusive city of Iram (mentioned in the above Quranic verse), and reads May Abdallhi son of Atmo be remembered for all time before Allt, the goddess of Iram.. If we say Allah sent Nabateans a Messenger, then we would have to say that Allah sent them a Messenger WAY back (since there were no Prophets or Messengers between Isa and Muhammad (sall Allahu alayhim wa sallam) and only destroy them hundreds of years later. Firstly, Ashab al-Hijr seem to be Thamud (15:80-85) because although this is the only time they are called this name, commentators unanimously agree that they are Thamud. Compounding the confusion is the fact that the tribal name Thamud is applied today to a broad section of different peoples throughout history, not only to those mentioned in the Quran. Furthermore, their prophets, Hud and Salih, are often considered two fo the four Arab prophets that Allah sent to mankind. We find ruins of so many past civilisations such as Indus Valley (Mohenjodaro, Harappa), Sodom, and so on. The Nabataeans were nomadic Arabs who moved into territory vacated by the Edomites Semites who settled the region centuries before them. Before the destruction came to them, Hud and his small group of followers escaped the area and were spared the punishment. [23] The ninth-century Muslim scholar Ibn Sad believed that the Thamud were the Nabateans. Hud was from among the Aad himself, as Allah mentions in the Quran: Aad denied the Messengers when their brother Hud said to them: Will you not fear Allah?Chapter 26, Verses 124 125. But as is clear from the above discussion, Thamud were thriving as late as maybe the 4th century AD, while the people of Aad have left their final trails, only a few centuries before that. They used to carve in the past and their present structure is not described in this Ayah. This is not but from the customs of the former peoples and we will not be punished.Chapter 26, Verses 136-136. As for the conclusion that Ashab al-Hijr were not Thamud, I think this is rather unwarranted. But the Thamud let their education and knowledge go to their heads. The Meaning of La Ilaha Illa Allah (Tawheed): What is Islam? ""- . An envoy was sent to the nations to say, After all, camels were and still are pretty common in that part of the world. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. [ Qur'an and Suhih Sunnah - Islamic Knowledge ]. Hence, they had become very rich. due to the belief as mentioned in the Quran that warners were sent to all Nations. 13. ___Fatwa. Pickthall And (the tribes of) A'ad and Thamud! However this would not explain why the Prophet () referred to the houses as Thamuds dwellings. Though no one knows for sure when either of these groups existed, it is clear from the Quran that the Aad were successors to the people of Noah. you who live in the clefts of the rocks[a] Ad and Thamud were two great civilizations destroyed by God due to their excessive wickedness. So Ill let that one go for another article and focus on the main discussion, the Aad and Thamud. Re. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, Also is 27:52 past tense or present sorry to keep bothering you but these are it, Because you said 27:52 said they are destroyed fallen buy 89:9 makes it sound like there still standing clean and like brand new etc, 5. Obviously, the Thamud were much more advanced technologically than the Aad. Sargon II (d. 705 BC), the Assyrian emperor boasted of his conquest of Thamud in an 8th century inscription: The Thamudites, the (Ibadidites), the Marsimanites and the Khapayans, distant Arab tribes, who inhabit the desert, of whom no scholar or envoy knew, and who had never brought their tribute to the kings, my fathers, I slaughtered in the service of Assur, and transported what was left of them, setting them in the city of Samaria.. Secondly, the Ayaat are not only meant for the Sahaba, they are also for us and for all times and so when the Quran asks the readers to look at what happened to those before, it is meant for us as well. However, that does not solve the dilemma of who carved out the hills and mountains in Petra because the Edomites existed prior to the Nabateans, who according to the Christians were the ones who carved out the mountains and hills of Petra and Madian Saleh in 1st or 2nd century B.C. Abul Ala Maududi. We have no concrete evidence that Nabateans were destroyed. Assalam alikum so is 89:9 present tense or past tense the altheana jabbu al sakrah bilwadi bit and you are saying that the thamud dwellings have gone destroyed after the prophets time, And Is madain al saleh wadi alQura or is wadi alqura some where else, And do you think there houses were destroyed before or after ibn kathir and could the land of thamud be petra ir yemon because there is a town called thamud in yemon, And does 27:52 mean there dwellings were destroyed or empty and could 89:9 mean there dwellings just of been caves in the prophets the outside gone fallen if you know what I mean and can. Summary: The cravings that Quran says were done by Thamud were in Wad l-Qura. The calamity must have been fairly extensive in area and intense in the terror it inspired for it is described as a single mighty blast, the sort of terror inspiring noise which accompanies all big earthquakes.. But despite all of this advice, the Aad rejected their brother Hud. It must also be kept in mind that not all of the structures have been found as of yet. We should look at the original Arabic for word though to fully understand. Create a free website or blog at After the destruction of the Ad, the tribe of Thamud succeeded them in power and glory. Thus, we can say that perhaps this ones were the Nabataeans. Or symbolic its talking about the left more of a legacy in there story. And take for yourselves palaces and fortresses that you may abide eternally?Chapter 26, Verses 128 129. Some of these questions were sincere, but most of the time they were just trying to trip him up. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Quranic tribes of Aad and Thamud a historical perspective. This is attested by Safaitic inscriptions (beginning in the 1st century BCE) and the many Arabic personal names in Nabataean inscriptions. But the buildings of the Aad are like Lego blocks compared to the Thamud. [16] Scarcity of water and of permanent pastoral land required them to move constantly. They may have even intermingled to the point of losing any distinction along ethnic lines as there is no good reason or evidence to preclude the idea that the Thamud also ventured and lived in Petra and the surrounding areas. A. Yusuf Ali wrote: The Thamud people were destroyed by a dreadful earthquake which threw them prone on the ground and buried them with their houses and their fine buildings., A terrible earthquake came and buried the people [of Thamud] and destroyed their boasted civilization. The word Thamud appears in the Annals of the Assyrian king Sargon II (r. 722705 BCE), inscribed at Dur-Sharrukin. Asking the deceased for supplications or intercession? 3. Thus, Nabataeans later reused the rocks and made them to graves. The Thamud demanded and received a sign from Allah. The account presented in Surah an-Naml also mentions nine evil people of Thamud who are immediately responsible for God's punishment of their people[Quran27:4851] in a narrative reminiscent of Jewish descriptions of the demise of Sodom. It is possible that multiple unrelated groups took on the name of Thamud; they probably spoke Old Arabic. They were often stronger than you in signs or athar left behind has been oft repeated. There are countless artists, pundits, and celebrities who mock Allah, His Messenger (pbuh), and Islam. Heavy contact with Romans resulted in us having a pretty decent record of its territories and people. (2/380-381), The inscriptions of al-Hijr are the remnants of the Nabateans. The general consensus among 14th-century Arab genealogists is that Arabs are of three kinds: The Hawazin tribe and the Quraysh tribe are considered Adnani Arabs. [1] Arab tribes have historically inhabited the Arabian Peninsula, but after the spread of Islam, they began to heavily migrate and settle in other areas such as the Levant,[2] Mesopotamia,[3] Egypt,[4] Sudan,[5] the Maghreb,[6] and Khuzestan. Yes both Ad and thamud left dwelling places as opposed to some other Nations mentioned in the Quran but again the reference is generic to many other Nations not mentioned in the book that came to other parts of the world etc. Even though they built great sculptures, they werent extremely sophistated people. Had the Prophet () thought that the rock carved structures in al-Hijr were those of Thamd, he would have pointed them out. God knows best. What is the issue here? Perhaps these survivors were Prophet Hud (AS) and his followers. Saudi Arabia, in terms of archaeology, is really untouched. If we try to discuss the lineage of the Arabs well be here forever. [pp. The exact details of their faith are not mentioned much in the Quran, but it was definitely something that was practiced by most of the society. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. 10.can al hijr be somewhere else like al ula And We saved those who believed and had Taqwa. Trudy Ring, Noelle Watson, Paul Schellinger. The tribe refused to heed him, saying that Salih was merely a mortal, and demanded a sign from God. In sura 15, there seems to be a chronological order: At first the story of Adam (as) is mentioned (26-50), then the story of Abraham (as) and Lot (as) (51-77), then the story of the people of al-Rass,i.e. So they concluded that the Nabateans did constructed them. Success comes from Allah, and Allah knows best. They could either mean that we can see the remains and consider the signs and warnings or theyre giving HISTORICAL lessons and portents for us to take note. Arabian tradition holds that the Thamud kingdom was destroyed by God. How do we explain 27:52 29:38 22:45 28:58 91:14, Assalam alie kum, it is a good attempt to answer the criticism of the of the people who have always found some crookedness to stand their point against Islam. Question:What is the correct explanation for the P --* _ . Ptolemy (d. 168 AD), describes a people called Oaditai8, bordered by Aramaeans to the north, and Thamud to the south, close to what is today called Wadi Ramm. (LogOut/ There are some scholars who say a mountain split apart and the camel walked out. Thats it. You have no god other than Him. It does not state, however, who made the inscriptions. [Prophet], it is your Lord who is the Strong, the Mighty One. So, basically during the time of the Prophet (), their remains were not on the surface and only some of them were visible. 'Ad and Thamud are closely connected by both Islamic and pre-Islamic sources. According to Saudi-archeology website, an academic website aimed at archiving the rock images and providing archeological information on them, the structure may have been used for holding sacred feasts. We have a good perspective of the size of these supposed tombs in this picture, as the faade has been destroyed. Traditional Quranic commentaries assumed that they were a South Arabian people, but it turns out, they had their base in Wadi Ramm in present-day Jordan. And God knows best. Its not an easy read, especially as most of the stories leave the reader perplexed in terms of their relevancy to ones personal life or attainment of anything didactic that enriches or nurtures a relationship with God. Also two Saheeh reports are contradicting each other: One the one hand, they are resting at al Hijr, while on the other hand it is said that they didnt rest at all and kept riding away faster from Hijr. We do not take it as a science book and neither should we take it as a book of archaeology. Go for another article and yea I see no problem to carve in the Annals of page. Is really untouched many Arabic personal names in Nabataean inscriptions most decent Muslims would never do such a,. Sorry for such a thing, but the Thamud the left more of a legacy there..., book 55, Hadith 49 ] these include Sunni Huwala and Achomi people, who are the of! 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