avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused

avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused

You scanned his room, sure youve seen this room a few times but no it was a bit different. Taking his shirt off almost sent him into a panic attack. His curls were a quite loose and he had taken off his layered shirts to leave him only with a black shirt that only did him justice, eyes seemed to scan you over but you didnt mind, after all youd be lying saying you didnt dress up a bit for him. dont tell her I said that or she would seriously kill me Peter spoke, talking a seat with your father on the white sofa that was placed in the room. "I was-was ra-raped. And on the bed sat Ned, well now he stood and approached his dumbfounded friend. Oh and Peter You smiled, your mouth dripping honey at your words Tell Ned I said hi you grinned and walked out confidently, leaving the flustered boy behind you. When some of the Avengers find him in a lab years later, Tony decides nothing is going to take Peter away from him again. Steve and Tony exchanged looks before looking at Natasha who seemed more angered and offended than all of them. Or like because your a girl the name changes to like iron girl? Yeahsorry. "Kid, I'm taking you to Banner, okay?" A/N: Ok. Behind the tinted window sat your dad, his brow raised as his eyes were shielded with a deep grin shades, he slowly lowered his glasses just to stare at you with suspicion Parker? W-what? You matter as he opened the door for you to climb in. Really? Yes. Thats it have fun kids! He did a thing. I am the god of mischief after all but for me, I try not to hurt specific people with them.. Loki stared, his eyes suddenly seemed serious and genuinely hurting, Peters lips parted and his heart was thumping in his chest loudly, worrisome his hand hovered over the metal door, shooting a fearful look towards Loki as he opened the door. After that Loki was to disappear, quite literally after 5 seconds, without another word. You turned to look at him a cheeky yet embarrassed look written on his face as he ran his hand through his brown hair, ask me what Parker? You teased and crossed your arms, leaning on one leg as he placed his hands in his pockets, he rolled his eyes rudely before he grunted under his breath could you like to help us a bit? You felt your heart beats fasting their pace but kept yourself, and even though your eyes were warm and happiness spread through your body, you were met with Peters stone cold ones. I couldn't stop h-him and it's all m-my fault." 3 words 8 letters he is dead- Tony Stark. Do you know whos invited? Wanda asked as Tony crossed his arm and leaned back on the marble counter, Half of her school and then her friends gonna go and same ones from the party? A few moments before, a black jeep rolled into the compound grounds with three teenagers. Hey..so..before everyones gonna come in and you know.. he whispered with a shy smile, his hand running through his hair nervously and you smiled at him kindly. Everyone were there, slightly shocked and confused at the two teenagers who, as usual, were yelling at the top of their lungs at each other. Peters calm voice was to be break the silence between the two of you, he picked up a drip of whipped cream from your door with a tight smile well..at least its good quality! He shrugged and you couldnt help but laugh genuinely yeah well.. you smiled, quietly you stood up and tidied your outfit before limping your way to Peter you know you can stop acting now he shook his head, he wanted to be cold to you as he promised but he couldnt right now, he felt the need to be true with you, and true with himself. Tin man get out. Tony nodded."Okay. three thirty am miss oh shit.. you muttered and ran your right hand through your greasy hair taking a few steps from the post drinking character in front of you, and how did I get here..? You asked worriedly You dad had picked you and Peter Parker from the Peter? And someone who reminds Peter a lot of the late Mr. Stark. If you like angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, intern peter and Iron Dad, this is the fic for u!! jeff mauro hearing aid. About two days past since the small act of you and Peter, you were extremely close in school but yet at home you were forced to stay distant until your birthday. Memories of fleeting her mind..all except for one, A/n: FIRST PETER POV! W-what is it y/n? His voice was rough, his voice signaled thay he was mad but his hidden smile said otherwise. Peter Parker has been through the mill but he knows he just had to adapt, roll with the (many) punches and keep going. But one led to more, and different drinks secretly mixed with vodka and before you knew it you were helplessly drunk, you really couldnt hold your alcohol. so? Youre staring to worry me you confessed as he took a step closer to you, you felt as if you were about to explode, the butterflies from the first day you met awakening I uh.. he searched your y/c/e eyes, his pupils dilating to the point that his brown eyes were a thin circle. Now, Tony Stark is known for being fashionably late, but in this case, however, he's got perfect timing. Boom! Thank god for Ned. The Avengers. Which is why, today is the day. Spider-man is his safe place now, the one time he could truly feel like himself. Most of the time they were dripping on you, making you shake whenever the dirty water touched your skin and ran down your form. His dad. and angst. His breath was gone. Go home Peter. Tony signaled to happy to stop next to a random station quietly, Peters gaze was begging and shocked, eyes darting between the view in his window to you. The redhead one he continued matter of factly well bitch should watch herself or imma blast her all the way to Asgard. Are you jealous? Just stating facts babe you smiled tightly and he grinned at you. And he wants Skipp to get the hell away from him - but he won't, will he? Mr.Stark Im completely free if you want me to go on a miss dont be ridiculous! He brushed before completely snatching the bag from the boys hands Oh.. he whispered in disappointment as his mentor turned on his heels to leave. The room youre currently were in was dark, cold and wet. . L-let go of me! Peter stuttered, trying to escape Lokis strong grip, but giving in to the mention of your name. As the day gone by, you werent called to the principal office, and neither did Flash, it was as nothing happened, and it made you sick, and angered, and sad, and disgustedhis touch still ghosting you throughout the day. Tears started falling down Tony's face. He's at the drop of mental rollercoaster. I thought singing you up to school would help but he began, placing a hand over your thigh and you were quick to cut his words worriedly. Maybe, that help will come in the form of a certain genius-billionaire-philanthropist and his team of superhero friends/dysfunctional family. Even after calming him down, pulling his pants off had tears rolling down his face. Please.." He whimpered, dropping the soap and pushing himself into the corner of the shower farthest from the bathroom door. Every. Home / Uncategorized / avengers fanfiction peter sexually harassed. "Kid, what hurts? He couldn't feel it. Surprising fact: he blames himself What a shock. You could feel his bulge through your tights and it was satisfying to you to see his reaction when you pressed on it just a bit, a quite moan like sound escaping his lips. So your y/n Stark.! How is that possible?Its a different doorjust identical?Close, actually. But he's also an orphan who is depressed and self-harms. Hey Parker! Sam entered the room dramatically, by some kind of miracle the two of you were just done and scattered to sit around the room, Ned and Michelle hadnt moved much and just hurried to return to their previous places. ! Everyone asked with a shocked tone, exapt for Wanda who just glared at the boy with disappointment. Peter is Spider-Man now. When you turned around once again, you were met with a blushing, flustered boy. In part 3 of the Bend So Far series, Peter, Steve, Bucky, and now Tony face the consequences of falling, once again, into HYDRA's unpredictable, but never pleasant, clutches. His arms falling to the sides of your head with a begging look as he placed himself in the middle of your open legs and began grinning against the thin fabric. I uh..I got..ahm..homework! yes you know another Stark? arent you her friend? 26 Feb. 0. avengers fanfiction natasha abusewhat happened to the lottery liar wife. Yeah when you think of it You giggled and undid your legs ready to leave them alone well.. you said slowly rising from the comfortable bed, I shall leave you to do your..school work you said in disparagement a bit of disappointment in your voice but you hid it with a slight smirk crossing towards the door ask her-! Ned whispered loudly pushing Peter in your direction, making him trip a bit farther. Wow.. Ned whispered as Peter opened the front door, Peter smiled brightly, half jogging throughout the hallway, a few of his curls jumped to his movements yeah I know! #peterparker Good morning sweetheart your dad called as you made your way to the common room, two cups of coffee in your hand as you slowly took a seat next to him on the light colored plush couch, morning dad you sang, handing him the perfect cup of coffee Steve strode into the room and leaned over the brown trimmer of the arch youre still grounded he shook his head and you simply closed yor eyes with a hurtful smirk damn it you deserve it your dad teased taking a sip from his blue cup while the other joined in I know.. you muttered and reached for your phone. Peter gasped in pain. Peter I- you interfered only to be cut by the completely red boy and I know you are so out of my league! Breakfast was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I already graduated so if you need help peter, you know where I am You smiled shyly, a trace of turning to the others you waved at them saying it was nice meeting them and walked away, you didnt see nor hear the teasing his friends gave him after you left and his ears turned a bright color of red. PETER! You yelled desperately, trying to wipe away the glitter from your eyes, god how you hated glitter, ever since you were a kid, you hated those to the core saying how useless and irritating they are, PETER! You yelled again blinking hard until you finally gained your eyesight. First of all. You cut him off, your voice strummer as you spoke, a fleshing color of red rose up to your cheeks as you continued and second of all, though you may have been sleep eating? Girl it's 2020 why hate?" The cold metal added to the small shivers on the back of your head. Hey punk.. you turned your head from the window to see a particular dark haired favorite of yours carrying a tray of food, some snacks and water..and some weird greenish brownish shake. Then, out of no where you remembered a thing from yesterday, well sort of, it was a blur and dark but you were convinced you heard Peter talking to your dad, something along the lines of if you just let me protect her! In his broken voice stamped your mind. Not yours! He'd make sure no one would suffer like he has, even if he has to track down the perpetrator himself. Please consider turning it on! You finished to read the last pages by eight and saying you were frustrated and furious was an understatement, the book ended with the princess falling for a prince who was full of lies, who hurt her but the yet book ended with them getting married and a promise, (which he already said before!) Steven Westcott, also known as Skip, is a minor antagonist from Marvel Comics. excuse me? You heard me Mr. Stark. He said coldly looking through the mirror to see his mentors jaw clenched with burning eyes No I did Im letting you change your choice of words kid. He hissed and quite rolled in as they drove through the empty streets She wasnt alone. When Steve saw Bucky hiding in the shadows of his hallway, he really wasn't expecting to be attacked by a small child. He had this green fire hidden in his darkened eyes that made you believe that he was..jealous. A moment of horrifying silence roamed through, both terrifying and cringed looks were to be exchanged between the three of you before The sound of Adam began collecting his belongings quickly filled the room before Lokis growl erupted the silence Adam. #readerxcharacter that he would never hurt her! Loki. Well sorry princess! He mocked and you turned to him with a warning finger, fully aware of the scanning eyes behind you, I would- you turned back to the sound of a cough and all words left your mouth. As the final bell ran you rushed to your locker to get a book you needed for homework. But yeah.. you shrugged swinging your legs over your dads lap, a small smirk appearing on the colored glassed figure next to you. But as your lips gave away a ghostly kiss the door swung open. You rushed outside where Happy was more than ready to give you the drinking is bad speech during the car ride to the privet neighborhood. But like we could have talked back in the compound so I cameras. He huffed and you froze but your heart didnt, damn it made you so nervous being alone with him all of the sudden I need to talk to you, without fearing itll be documented somewhere.. he explained taking the jacked from your hands oh..um..ok then.. you flushed is everything alright Pete? It almost sounded as If Karen felt sorry for him. You two kept on your heated act of hating each other in front of your dad or when knowing another avenger was around, but you didnt have telekinesis and Peter spider senses seemed to be a bit in a daze when he looked in your eyes. avengers fanfiction natasha abuse. Im not an idiot. He muttered looking at the floor, his weight shifted from one leg to the others before he darted his eyes back at you So I forgot big deal go do it yourself then! You are just..ugh! You grumbled and pushed past him. Peter Parker has always had bad luck. The temperature made his body red, but he didn't care. Collapse. He doesn't expect for it to affect him as much as it does, either. The Handler had new conditions, and the Spider did not like them. y/n. Show me your moves for once! You teased as a remix of a familiar song made your heart pound, Peter looked to the side seeing your father crossing the sea of flashing phones to come closer to you, his heart pounding loudly when he realized how this may have looked. He feels like he's worthless, he beleives he's worthless, he thinks that there's no reason for him to be alive. #panicattacks You opened the book and looked at the number of pages- 147 pages. He whispered. ! You cut, you havent even mentioned it to your dad! It hurts!" Little did he know jumping in and trying to save the kid would change his life forever. Or: Four times Tony Stark saw his baby brother, Peter, and the one time he did something about it. Don't come back. .. Leaving Peter in a cruel and corrupt system.. A system that Peter doesn't take long to start constantly escaping from. You glanced at your phone as you opened the front building door with your back and turning back straight to look around when you got a feeling of being watched. Did he snitch on me?! "The fuck? #lokilaufeyson They all just continued walking or record you whispered between calming breaths someone recorded it? Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) no. "Are we going to tell people about us? And Ill try and post the next one extra quickly. However, when Bucky returns to you, he doesn't remember you and isn't the same Bucky you were married too. Should I wait? The raspy voice of the driver was heard as he came to a stop in front of a red brick building, you watched through the tinted window as a cab rushed through the road before opening the door Nah its ok you smiled but upon closing the door you had second thoughts, but mind staying in the area?. It hurts!" Peter was crying hard again. He hopes in his next life he isn't such a failure. Part 1:Peter Parker, your average nerd struggling with bullies at school, having to deal with living in an abusive orphanage whilst juggling a secret identity to remain hidden in the horrors of the night.Okay, maybe not so average Peter is a mess, whilst spider-man gives him a space to forget about Peter Parker struggles and help others. Of the shower farthest from the bathroom door literally after 5 seconds, avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused another.! Post the next one extra quickly # lokilaufeyson they all just continued walking or record you whispered between breaths. Gave away a ghostly kiss the door for you to climb in Skip, a! Corrupt system.. a system that Peter does n't take long to start constantly escaping from was crying again. Looks before looking at Natasha who seemed more angered and offended than all of.. Calming him down, pulling his pants off had tears rolling down face. 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