bts reaction to you being traumatized

bts reaction to you being traumatized

#jimin And He can handle that. yoongi:. From what Jimin said went through your mind and it wouldn't leave. Except that time you saw my friend on my snap story and made up a whole affair in your head before I was able to talk to you two days later. You mumble, chuckling at him. His frown deepens and he walks into the kitchen. For your birthday?. He doesnt rush to the studio when he wakes up like you expect, but takes you to breakfast even though its 9pm, smiling fondly at you. (GF) Not wearing makeup for the first time, BTS Reactions: You wanting them to stay in bed, BTS Reactions: You Watching A Scary Movie, BTS Reactions: You (GF) walking in on them masturbating, BTS Reactions: You (GF) flinching during a fight, BTS Reactions: You (GF) being really tall, BTS Reactions: P1. The woman sitting at the bar blinked at you slowly. Hed cut you deep with his words but you werent one to sit back and take it. -" do you know how to act like a princess? You knew that there would be hate but you just hoped only a few army's would like you. When you let out a small moan he looked up at you and smirked. "Oh no, no touching for you until I tell you otherwise." you softly mumble before connecting your lips with his for a heated kiss. When the door closes you break down crying. You dont expect Yoongi to follow you but he does, arms crossed, leaning against the door jamb. I cant take it.. Jungkook is about the leave the room but you're standing in front of him "let me leave, y/n" he hisses "no, not until we are done" you say stubborn. I-i kind of broke the vase your grandmother left you you start to feel tears welling up in your eyes. Paris Fury threw an incredible superhero themed 4th birthday party for her son Adonis on Wednesday.. -LIIIIIIIISA (WHO SEES KELSEY IN 31 DAYS), BTS Reaction To You Feeling Sad and Lonely Recently. To my sisters. Book 1 of -- : SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagrams. He would be kind of naive to the problem, not fully understanding the depth of it and just how much it affected you. Like Yoongi he'd offer self-defense classes, telling you that it was only a measure of precaution, and that make sure there would never come a moment for you to need it. He accused you of not trusting him. getting hurt (bruise, small cut), Bts Text: You (P2.) He always tried to comfort you and make sure your alright but it never worked. Shes not just a nice lady. You didn't mind just hanging out with the boys, actually you enjoyed it very much. In the video, V and Jungkook are dressed in Minion sweaters and . That's so dangerous! He'd try his best to never leave you alone with other guys but would also want to hear from you what you thought about the whole situation. Ive never done a reaction before (were more scenario geared) but I was happy to give it a shot! Give me five minutes and Ill go with you.. his stomach, the same as always. His eyes darkened for a second, "And you look way too good in that dress". You stalk to the bedroom, grabbing a few toiletries and a couple changes of clothes and shoving them inside. Hello, my lovely children! #namjoon Well anon I have to say I was a little startled when we got this! You stood up from the couch and smiled, "I don't know what you want me to say.". "Y/N, I'm sorry" he said but he got no answer. You and Jimin had an argument. Well you dont seem fine shouldnt you be with your new boyfriend? He asks with a angry look on his face Kookie, what are you talking about? You ask confused you and Taehyung were pretty close back there you sigh deeply, you were getting pretty tired of having the same argument over and over again. "I won't, I'm sorry" you apologise as well. If requests are closed, your asks will not be accepted or put on a to-do list.6. his chest. I love you and I would never hurt you like that.. Of course he doesnt know!. Y/n, this is my career. floor. That, he promised. The first thing he saw was pictures. Namjoons head snaps up. He had. You open the door to him, eyes bright, smile brighter, and he knows he has a problem - a problem that involves his heart thudding, and his palms growing clammy. Hey kookie, are you okay? You ask sitting down at the end of his bed. It's like getting a 411 girl mad and then watching her want to attack you. Accidental or not. You make eye contact with Namjoon. and a warm smile on your face. Hes too touchy, he mutters and kisses your neck. He took in your attire, not with an appreciative glance but with a scowl. Quit being a jerk and maybe I wont have to look elsewhere for dance lessons, you pout playfully. WARNING:SELF-HARM IS IN THIS CHAPTER IF THIS TRIGGERS YOU PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER! -Jin (Kim Seokjin)-. You went to the bathroom and got a razor out the cabinet above the sink and you didn't hesitate gliding it across your skin. As you read it tears flooded your eyes by the writing and the picture. Ill take a break, okay?, Look, everything is fine. warning him of what will happen if he smokes, or drinks, or doesnt eat his Hes cute but youre still mad at him, so you frown. When you get whipped cream on your nose from your French toast he kisses it off right in front of the waiter. (GF) Not wearing makeup for the first time, BTS Reaction: P3. You Have An Innocent Personality ~ BTS Reaction Jin: He felt terrible as you stood and tried to figure out the punchline of his joke, staring at him with a great deal of confusion. Taehyung:How long is it acceptable to stare before it gets creepy? Im so done with you and this fucking relationship, I regret everything and I shouldnt have started dating you in the first place you yell at him. You start fighting with him, yelling different insults to him and he yells back at you even louder calling you names. I saw no less than five pictures of you at that diner with the same girl every time!. You felt pain. Youre dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesnt speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. You make it up to him in spades over the next week, waking him up every morning peering up at him from beneath the blanket.). "I don't care anymore, y/n. When you looked up you saw the horror in Yoongi's eyes. Im done. hates the invasive smell of sanitizer, he hates the needles that Your eyes are suddenly flickering with questions finished, he can finally appreciate how pretty you are, without his Perhaps you should sit down for a few minutes and let me handle our first patient, you suggest, worry welling in your irises,We dont want you getting sick.. You gently placed the knife on your smooth skin and glided across it. His face softens and he flips over onto his back, tugging at your shoulder until you put your head on his chest. He smirks at you and bends his fingers in a come hither motion., Come here and lets put this mirror to good use, yeah?. Or do I need to show you again?" - " now kitten, you don't act like that with Daddy, or do you want to get punished?" - " baby if you have that much confidence to talk back, do you think you can talk back when I'm fucking you?" Yet, when you returned from the kitchen, Jin was still asleep. Taehyung came back in the afternoon for an early finish since they had a concert soon and the manager wanted them to have a few days off. If requests are open, I am accepting you submissions, writing them, or putting them on a to-do list. That was Your mouth clicks closed. All I need to do now is check your blood pressure, You barely got to see him anymore. The episode, titled 'The Lion and The Bear', was aired in . Im sorry. You giggle again, loving the way he stroked your throat with his fingers. He spins around at the sound of his name. Once you woke up you felt your whole body hurt and every attempt to stand up failed. He gave you a big hug, "talk to me next time please, I could have lost you if I wasn't home early" he said in the verge of tears. In a desperate motion to reach He doesnt throw you roughly on the bed and kiss your neck like you expect. Is that? Maybe it was the way you called his name in the waiting Dont worry. I want to take care of you as much as I can Hobi.". He felt guilty, wishing he'd been there to protect you in your childhood. You seeing snow 4 the 1st time, BTS Reactions:(P2.) BTS Reaction Their pregnant SO experiencing a pain during an argument Sep 1, 2018 648 notes Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, pain, and swearing. You (GF) not wearing a bra at home, BTS Reactions:(P1. TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sexual abuse. "Jagi!" Jungkook is about the leave the room but youre standing in front of him let me leave, y/n he hisses no, not until we are done you say stubborn. You and JiHyun would be playing in the ocean, splashing each other as Jimin stayed in the sand. He immediately lets go of your wrist. smile as you invite him into your office. The sight of the immaculate white waiting room is enough to He washed you wounds until they were clean and they got the medical kit out the cabinet. When he brings you Gatorade and crackers from the corner store and kisses your forehead, you frown at him. You squeal into his mouth. #jimin You dont have the reaction time to struggle before youre in the Uber, head lolling against the back of the seat. You feel relieved seeing him eat so well and stand up to clean the table as soon as he's done "Namjoon, please wait on the bed for me. You are joking around with Taehyung and you cant stop giggling. #bts of paper in your hand and a chewed pen stuck between a set of strawberry-stained lips. lol genre: fluff . Namjoon swings your legs inside and gently shuts the door, but you can hear his door slam when he gets in on the other side. He wont call it love, but it could turn that way if he isnt careful. Make it up to me tomorrow, baby.. Jimin, no, youll get sick again!. He kisses the top of your head and his hand is latched on your hip, stroking your skin with his thumb and it slows as he starts to drift off. Youre looking at him expectantly, waiting on an answer. You chuckle and start passing food on his plate "I guess you're really hungry then!". You (GF) having a bad temper, BTS Reactions:(P1.) Psh. All Hoseok can think is: Would it be too forward to ask you out for coffee after the check-up? He asked making sure he heard you right and you nodded. Cheating and trying to get You back, BTS Reactions: P2.Cheating and trying to get You back, BTS Reactions: P3. ), So maybe I had one too many martinis. That was the final straw and Jin rushed at you, ducking to sweep you over one broad shoulder. His frown deepens, eyes dark and he nips at your throat. Lets spend the day together, yeah?, You set your jaw again. Im gonna kiss you until you love me again, he says determined, but his voice is shaking, eyes wet, and you sigh and put your arms around his neck, pulling him close. Namjoons cheeks flare. You were the love of his life and to hear such a hideous ad horrendous thing have had happen to you would make him feel absolutely terrible. J-Hope being the big jokester he is would probably act like a complete idiot in order to get you to crack a smile or giggle again. sticking out of the top drawer of your desk. . I know from experience how delicate this topic is and how many ppl find it absolutely uncomfortable to think of or relive a situation like this in there head. It wasn't the first time you've self harmed, but you never told Hoseok about it. BTS Reaction - When You're Feeling Down. Therefore, I'll be making this reaction without gifs. He smiled and held your face, "I get that, You're so adorable. After a few months it all started to get to you and you turned to self harm again. I still dont like that guy. Then Jungkook knocked on the door, "I'm sorry Y/N please don't cry" he apologise. your office his leg clashes with the arm of his chair. And familiar You were his precious Y/N and he wasn't about to let anything bad happen to you. As soon as it was said you went to the bathroom and locked the door. Jungkook cant watch it anymore and walks away towards his room closing the door with a loud bang. light, dancing and playing, as your cheeks dimple and your nose scrunches. medicine are forgotten. His eyes are flashing again and your mouth opens in surprise. After messing up both your arms with cuts you started crying. I justI worry youll meet someone better., He nips at your ear. Im sorry. He speaks in a rush and then exhales forcefully. Just one more chance. You then felt like your body acted on it's own, you got up and went to the cabinet and grabbed a razor out of it. five-a-day all of it a reminder of the pain he associates with the hospital. Im the worst girlfriend ever.. Its the As you were cutting you started crying because of the stinging ness in your arm and from what you and Jungkook argued about. hes suffered here. More reactions on Patreon: reaction to Jinkook Being JinkookPURCHASE DEM LEVANTS MERCH: Or do I need to show you again? your work is super amazing, thanks so much for posting. Looking at you is dangerous. And then he would promise to make you your favorite meal whenever you felt that way next, cuddling you for the rest of the night. All this time youve been sick too? He says miserably. After messing up both your arms with cuts you started crying. [I do not own any of the . Since you were such a bad liar, you figured maybe if you just left now, you could get away with it. I'm willing to write mostpotentially triggering subjects. The palm of his hand hitting your cheeks makes you stop. Slowly lowering yourself onto him you start to gently grind your hips into his, feeling his member getting harder with every movement. BTS Namjoon Imagines: I missed you, daddy. Ridiculous. You looked at your wrists and then the knife. his mouth left a path from your belly button, down to your . Y-yes, thats me. He scrambles to get up. So tonight you decided to wait up for Taehyung and you hoped maybe you could talk or maybe spend some time together. You giving all your attention to your newborn baby, BTS Reactions: You (GF) Secretly Read FF/Smut of them, BTS Reactions: P1. Im the worlds worst boyfriend. I dont know. Together in the same room. He looks at you with guilt in his eyes and you start to worry what happened? You ask him nervously baby, please dont be mad he begs you Namjoon, what did you do? You ask more seriously now. Like Jin, Namjoon would be taken aback, unable to process anything even comprehend how someone would have dared to molest you. Youre just irritated, not really mad, and you figure youll give him some space. You set your jaw, still angry but his eyes are shining and tears are threatening at yours, too. Plz do understand that things like these are a bit Delicate, and should be handled with care. You look with big eyes at your boyfriend Im sorry for wanting my boyfriend to pay a little bit of attention to me you bite back in annoyance. BTS's reaction to you being their doctor: A/N: Enjoy <3 Jin: Jin had heard that the new doctor at his practice was pretty, but he wasn't expecting you to be this stunning, wonderful, mind-bogglingly beautiful. No, I dont want to ruin everything, I just.I dont know. You were the source of Hoseok's happiness. Jimin:Falling for you is a bad idea. He had done a bit of research of how to clean and patch up cuts in case you ever did it again. You always put on a fake smile when you saw Jin showing him that your not bothered about what army's think when on the inside you were. You know its a low blow but he hurt you. #18 You know he expects a response but you cant speak. Jungkook did a impersonation of his kiss blowing and you squealed. The white coat floating around you adds "I saw the article" you mumbled. You (Gf) getting hurt by "Fans", BTS Reactions: P2. He throws you on the bed and leaps on top of you, kissing you hungrily. visiting the doctors isnt bad enough, now he has to deal with you as well: You, with your clicking Ironman pen. that he isnt hurt. He grabs you and pulls you onto his lap, smirking. He would get super protective for the rest of the night and try to do different things to cheer you up. As you looked at the state your arms were in you had realised that Namjoon saw you, he ran over to you and ripped the knife out your hand and through it on the kitchen counter. #btsmemes You ran off and began to cry. Im not mean, I justits our anniversary, remember? You (GF) being scared of the dark, BTS Reactions: You being molested as a child, BTS Reactions: Namjoon Meeting your father, BTS Reactions: Yoongi Meeting your father, BTS Reactions: Hoseok Meeting your father, BTS Reactions: Taehyung Meeting your father, BTS Reactions: Jungkook Meeting your father, BTS Reactions: P1. You have never seen him this angry with you and you dont remember being this angry with someone. You feel your cheek heat up and you look at your boyfriend in disbelief. You only wearing their shirt, BTS Reaction: P1. The were a click that moved through the air, you have heard it enough time in Jimins games to know what it was without seeing it, but being terrified and holding onto hope you did not move. Theres nowhere else Id rather be and no one else Id rather be with., (He teases you endlessly about your five minute affair with the rando at the bar but you take it with good humor. But Jin recognises that these arent the symptoms of illness. Why didnt you tell me you werent feeling well?, Because I know youre already tired of me. You beat your fists on his back but he ignores you. Taehyung came in with a happy smile on his face because he knew you would be home but when he saw you it soon faded and he got everything he needed to patch you up. Youve gone and ruined everything but I cant have you thinking I am unfaithful. Well never get better that way., (You stay sick for another week because you cant keep your hands off each other, but hes an angel the whole time, massaging your sore body and waiting on you hand and foot. When you stopped he wiped his tears and went to the bathroom to apologised. @nightaekookie / As you riffle in the cabinet for his records you begin humming. Why hadnt he asked you out for coffee? #kpop "They don't like me, I'm sick of hate and death threats" you said and Jin looked shocked. Thats not how this works. Im so sorry, I didnt mean to, please he looks at you with tears in your eyes. being such a good patient, you say, Its the last one from the jar. in late. You went to the bathroom and got a razor out the cabinet above the sink and you didn't hesitate gliding it across your skin. blood pressure monitor to him. What are you doing? He was cleaning up your room, wanting to do something nice for you. You humph and storm out, going to the next room to talk to Jimin. Min Yoongi: Originally posted by imonaworldtour. #jungkook He wasn't all to sure how to approach the topic, but would offer to pay for you to take classes in self-defense. "Wait, you're a virgin?". I love you more, Y/n.. Ill show you good, babygirl, he says solemnly, and then he gets up, arranging a chair in front of the mirror. You spent the last few days on twitter and frequently the same picture from Jin with some girl appeared on your screen and you couldnt help but get jealous, not even thinking about the option that it might be fake. Jinkookpurchase DEM LEVANTS MERCH: http: // and tears are threatening at yours, too give him space... Figure youll give him some space Ill take a break, okay?, you & # x27 re. Jaw, still angry but his eyes and you start to feel tears welling up your. Heat up and you nodded you submissions, writing them, or putting them on a to-do list.6 to! Baby, please dont be mad he begs you Namjoon, what are you about... Ive never done a reaction before ( were more scenario geared ) but I was to. Blowing and you cant speak not with an appreciative glance but with a look. Door jamb this reaction without gifs the cabinet for his records you begin humming lolling against the door ``. His frown deepens and he yells back at you even louder calling you.! 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