hms indefatigable crew list

hms indefatigable crew list

[3] Indefatigable was 766feet 6inches (233.6m) long overall and 730 feet (222.5m) at the waterline. Five days later, the BPF attacked a different refinery and 820 Squadron again contributed 10 Avengers to the attack while 1770 Squadron added nine Fireflies. At the other end of the line the duel between the Indefatigable and the Von der Tann had been growing in intensity till, a few minutes after 4.0, the British ship was suddenly hidden in a burst of flame . The ship normally displaced 18,500 long tons (18,800 t) and 22,130 long tons (22,490 t) at deep load. War would not actually be declared until 12 August, and the order was countermanded four hours later, but Milne gave up the hunt for Goeben, following his standing orders to guard the Adriatic against an Austrian break-out attempt. British registered ships aimed at assisting researchers to finding their crew documents. Of her crew of 1,019, only three survived. Another attack was made later in the day without effect. The BPF returned to the Sakishima Islands on 17 April before retiring to Leyte Gulf to rest and resupply. [b] Each was under the command of an ensign de vaisseau and both vessels had left Brest two days earlier for a six-week cruise, but had not yet taken any prizes. They shared with Indefatigable in the proceeds for the hull, but not the bounty money for the captured crew. [35] Her prize was the Canada, John Sewell Master, which had been sailing from Jamaica to London, having stopped in Charlestown, with a cargo of sugar, rum, and coffee. Among the voyage records that survive, the Endeavour draftsman Sydney Parkinson's Journal of a. The British role during the operation was to neutralise airfields on the Sakishima Islands, between Okinawa and Formosa, beginning on 26 March. [Note 1] The ends of the hangars were protected by 2-inch bulkheads[7] and the armour of the hangar deck ranged from 1.5 to 2.5 inches (38 to 64mm) in thickness. Terms and Conditions | Jutland Bank, 31st May 1916. Master, R.N.R. Compiled a further 470,000 records of ships from the Mercantile Navy List, making the largest database of British registered ships of the era. We are the largest and fastest growing community of UK forces veterans on the web with over 500,000 members! We are continuing to add to Sorry, we do not carry out privately commissioned research. [32], On 30 April 1798, Indefatigable captured the brigantine privateer Basque. The Wartime Memories Project is a non profit organisation run by volunteers. When news of the outbreak of the War of 1812 reached Britain, the Royal Navy seized all American vessels then in British ports. Indefatigable arrived at Colombo, Ceylon, on 10 December and Vian transferred his flag to Indomitable.[38]. Historians. . Indefatigable She was recommissioned in 1950 as a training ship for service with the Home Fleet Training Squadron, participating in exercises and making several port visits overseas. A great, great, great uncle of mine, Octavius Cardew was a 14 year-old midshipman on HMS Amazon, which also ran aground. [2], The ship was powered by two sets of Parsons direct-drive steam turbines, each driving two propeller shafts, using steam provided by 31 coal-burning Babcock & Wilcox boilers. Displacement (loaded) 22,110t. Claude de N. Lucas. Made the first complete record of British registered ships, from 1855 to the 1950s, with 200,000 entries from the Appropriation Books at RSS in Cardiff. 4in - barbettes. Casualty list for HMS Indefatigable Remembered Today: GWF is free to use so please support the Forum. Cecil R. de V. Law. [31] Vengeur was a new vessel of 12 guns and 72 men. The underwater defence system was a layered system of liquid- and air-filled compartments as used in the Illustrious class. [5] Captain John Broughton succeeded him in December 1809 and remained in command until 1812. Naval Instructor BPF: Kamikaze attacks HMS Indefatigable Armoured Carriers 45K subscribers Subscribe 46K 8.9M views 7 years ago Footage from the British Pacific Fleet off Sakishima Gunto, including a kamikaze run. Stanley N. de Quetteville, R.C.N On 11 June Vengeur had captured the Jersey-privateer lugger Snake. Thomas J. Eustis. [7] The work was carried out at Portsmouth from September 1794 to February 1795 at a cost of 8,764. However, we know that the records of ships and seafarers are a [63] Then on the day after Christmas, Indefatigable and Tribune captured the American ship Eliza. On 12 March 1951 she sortied from Portland, flying Micklethwaite's flag, to exercise with the Home Fleet before beginning a brief refit at Devonport in May. [64], On 7 January 1808 Indefatigable and Tribune captured the French galiot Fanny and her cargo. [41] Her Seafires were again retained to defend the fleet and only her Avengers and Fireflies attacked the airfields. In the distance the British battlecruiser HMS Indefatigablesinking after being struck by shells from the German battlecruiser Von Der Tannfirst in "X" magazine and then once she had limped out of the line she was hit by another salvo on the foredeck, the resulting explosion then destroying her. [36] The corvette fired a few shots before she struck. She had left the Gironde the evening before on this, her second voyage, to India. She was sailing from Rochefort to Senegal. Edwin R. Bates. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Chief Gunner Official History; " Naval Operations" by Sir Julian S. Corbett. Our Privacy Policy - please read | We are currently providing database and transcription facilities for an ongoing project at Glamorgan Archives, with other projects in the pipeline. Captain Charles F. Sowerby. On November 11, 1944, HMS Indefatigable hoisted the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Philip Vian who had just been appointed Commander (Aircraft Carriers) for the new British Pacific Fleet. H.M.S. HMS Indefatigable ( Navy Photos, click to enlarge) return to Contents List. The attacks were repeated the next day, sinking two warships and numerous small merchantmen and destroying numerous railroad locomotives and parked aircraft.[49]. Surgeon We are glad to list them on our acknowledgements page: NB! [9], Indefatigable received a single QF 3-inch 20 cwt[Note 1] anti-aircraft gun on a high-angle Mark II mount in March 1915. [6], The Indefatigables were protected by a waterline 46-inch (102152mm) armoured belt that extended between and covered the end barbettes. [39] Aspahalon, a Newcastle vessel, had been sailing from Halifax to London with a cargo of sugar, coffee, and tobacco. By all accounts, James Cook's HMS Endeavour sojourn in Tahiti was a pivotal moment in . [24] On 7 January, Indefatigable and Amazon captured the Emanuel. Harold F. Guest, R.N.R. She was armed with 22 guns and had a crew of 130 men. HMS Indefatigable was one of the Ardent class 64-gun third-rate ships-of-the-line designed by Sir Thomas Slade in 1761 for the Royal Navy. She was built by Harland & Wolff Ltd. in Belfast, Northern Ireland being launched on the 17th of August 1939. We've divided them into three sections: People, Ships and Documents, For more detail on our data and the sources we have used, please click here: A combination of bad weather, refuelling requirements and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima delayed the resumption of air operations until 9 August. HMS Indefatigable was the lead ship of her class of three battlecruisers built for the Royal Navy during the first decade of the 20th Century. Indefatigable was sold for scrap the following year. The Implacable-class carriers were equipped with two lifts on the centreline, the forward of which measured 45 by 33 feet (13.7 by 10.1m) and served only the upper hangar, and the aft lift (45 by 22 feet (13.7 by 6.7m)), which served both hangars. There she saved all on board when a fire destroyed the American merchantman Indian Chief. From her, he learned that there were two privateers around Corunna, one of which had captured a brig from Lisbon with a cargo of bale goods two days earlier. John E. Gifford. CLIP is a not-for-profit volunteer project, set up to assist research into the records of British merchant Despatches, Statistics Unit had nine men killed and 11 wounded; Rvolutionnaire had no casualties. J10641 John Williams, born 19th May 1894. [13] The Royal Navy took Virginie into service as Virginie. Share On 18 January Indefatigable was at Falmouth. Royal Naval Reserve [26] Royal Marine Light Infantry: Plymouth Division [24] Royal Irish Rifles [20] HMS Erin [9] HMS INDOMITABLE [8] Royal Engineers [8] HMS Vanguard [7] HMS INFLEXIBLE [6] HMS LION [6] HMS Monmouth [6] HMS THUNDERER [6] HMS Ajax [5] HMS BELLEROPHON [5] HMS COLLINGWOOD [5] HMS DEFENCE [5] HMS Impregnable [5] Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers [5] HMS INDEFATIGABLE [4] HMS INVINCIBLE . Acting Gunner The following day, King George VI inspected the ship; the ground crews later embarked for 820, 887, 894 and 1770 Squadrons. She was scuttled at Scapa Flow 21st June 1919. 8384; McCart, pp. [21] It has been thought that the most likely cause of her loss was a deflagration or low-order explosion in 'X' magazine that blew out her bottom and severed the steering control shafts, followed by the explosion of her forward magazines from the second volley. The ship was laid down on 10th November that year and launched on 26th March 1940 as the 3rd RN Warship to carry the name. She became Vian's flagship on 22 November and sailed to New Zealand to show the flag. The ship conducted uneventful patrols of the North Sea for the next year and a half. 9 Naval Torpedo-Bomber Reconnaissance Wing, Armoured aircraft carrier action and damage reports, 1940-1945, Maritimequest HMS Indefatigable photo gallery, Darrell V. Bumby RN Collection on MaritimeQuest, List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy,, World War II aircraft carriers of the United Kingdom, Cold War aircraft carriers of the United Kingdom, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Crew List With Additional Information. . The British ships were still in the process of making their turn as only the two leading ships, Lion and Princess Royal, had steadied on their course when the Germans opened fire. British shipping, at that time the largest merchant fleet in the world, is also well documented and we explain how to access those records too. [50] Eleven days later, Indefatigable and Sirius captured the French ship Favori. It was provided with 500 rounds. Gunner William J. Pearne. Around 16:00, Indefatigable was hit around the rear turret by two or three shells from Von der Tann. Thomas states that the commanding officer of 1840 Squadron was lost on 24 August, Campbell, pp. Indefatigable remained in the Mediterranean until she was relieved by Inflexible on 24 January 1915 and proceeded to Malta for a refit; she then sailed to England on 14 February and joined the 2nd BCS upon her arrival. [1], Indefatigable had an overall length of 590 feet (179.8m), a beam of 80 feet (24.4m), and a draught of 29feet 9inches (9.1m) at deep load. My Grandparents War -wild Pictures Limited production for Channel 4 Television in association with WNET. However, the spotting tower was of limited use, as its view was obscured by the conning tower in front of it and the legs of the foremast and superstructure behind it. CLIP data. Sub-Lieut. Mate (E) All three battlecruisers had problems with their boilers, but Goeben and Breslau were able to break contact and reached Messina by the morning of the 5th. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}). Following the resumption of hostilities, Indefatigable was fitted out for sea between July and September 1803. HMS Indefatigable was one of the Ardent-class 64-gun third-rate ships-of-the-line designed by Sir Thomas Slade in 1761 for the Royal Navy. recording and preserving recollections, documents, photographs and small items. If you are enjoying the site, please consider making a donation, however small The ship was laid down later that year and launched on 8th December 1942. Over the last twenty years we have worked with hundreds of people and many archives around the world to make the largest database of . Officers and Men Killed in Subsequently, Indefatigable or Pellew's squadron took more vessels, including privateers, primarily in the Channel. The most significant consequence was that the attention of the Turks was drawn to strengthening their defences, and they set about expanding the mine field. [70] Theseus and Impeteuex were in company with Indefatigable at the time. If you have any unwanted Sidney Punch. British Third Rate ship of the line 'Indefatigable' (1784) British Third Rate ship of the line 'Indefatigable' (1784). Hind also recaptured a sloop that the privateer had captured. HMS Indefatigable - Regiment History, War & Military Records & Archives Home Search Military Records Your New Records Unit Info Historic Documents Collections Maps Hire a Researcher Help Help Centre Contact Us Tutorials Research Guides My Account Login / Register Search Free Forum Features About Us Home Help Login / Register [9] On sea trials, Indefatigable reached a speed of 32.06 knots (59.38km/h; 36.89mph) with 150,935shp (112,552kW). Psychogeography. thanks Contact us. She reached the coast of Japan on 20 July and her aircraft began attacking targets near Osaka and in the Inland Sea four days later. She sank on 31st May 1916, during the Battle of Jutland, the largest Naval Battle of the war. [68], On 19 August Indefatigable, still in company with Conflict, captured Adele. [12] Upon commissioning, Indefatigable served in the 1st Cruiser Squadron, which in January 1913 was renamed the 1st Battlecruiser Squadron (BCS). 1944 Implacable-class aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy, Sources disagree about the thickness of this armour. Around this time Beatty altered course to the east as it was quickly apparent that he was still too far north to cut off Hipper.[20]. [7], The ships had four Parsons geared steam turbines, each driving one shaft, using steam supplied by eight Admiralty 3-drum boilers. -. Assistant Paymaster Unlike the Illustrious-class ships, the roofs of the gun turrets were flat and flush with the flight deck. She was two weeks out of Bayonne but had not captured anything. Pellew sent her into Falmouth. We'll do our best to advise. A smoke screen prevented most of the Barracudas from seeing their target and they failed to hit Tirpitz. If you have already submitted a story to the site and your UID reference number is higher than 261046 your information is still in the queue, please do not resubmit, we are working through them as quickly as possible. This page was last edited on 31 January 2023, at 15:24. Their short range and lack of endurance was considered by Vian to be a severe handicap for the BPF, which returned to action on 4 May and again attacked targets in the Sakishima Islands. She contributed 10 of her Avengers and all of her Fireflies to the first attack, which destroyed most of the oil storage tanks and cut the refinery's output by half for three months. Become a Member [54] Indefatigable was then paid off later that year. The results were deceptively encouraging. Records of HMS Indefatigable from other sources. She had a crew of 737 officers and ratings. She joined her sister and several other carriers on 9 June to sail for Spithead for the Coronation Fleet Review of Queen Elizabeth II on 15 June as one of a fleet of nine carriers. Seeing that she was outnumbered, Virginie struck.[13]. She arrived in Wellington on 27 November and was opened for public tours, during which time the Prime Minister, Peter Fraser, also visited. Indefatigable joined Implacable for her annual winter visit to Gibraltar after completing her refit in February 1952. [39] En route to Sydney to prepare for operations in the Pacific, the BPF's carriers attacked oil refineries near Palembang, Sumatra, on 24 and 29 January (Operation Meridian). Captain Ralph Fisher assumed command on 30 January 1953 and took her to sea three weeks later for exercises with the Home Fleet and her annual visit to Gibraltar. Records of HMS Indefatigable from other sources. The belt was closed by 1.5 to 2-inch transverse bulkheads fore and aft. With this turn Hipper was falling back on the High Seas Fleet, then about 60 nautical miles (110km; 69mi) behind him. During the day, Indefatigable's aircraft attacked targets in northern Honshu and southern Hokkaido. George Barratt. In this action, Amazon had four men wounded. Terms of Service apply. Dates of service, name changes, previous and next incarnations, dimensions, armament, commanders, officers and crewmen, actions, battles, sources British Third Rate ship of the line 'Indefatigable' (1784) Three Decks' Forum [76], Four months later, on 6 May Indefatigable captured two French chasse marees, Camilla and Bonne Rencontre; Scipion and Piercer were in company. Henry S. King. During her sea trials on 10 April 1911, Indefatigable reached a top speed of 26.89 knots (49.8km/h; 30.9mph) from 55,140shp (41,120kW) after her propellers were replaced. [2], About a year later, on 19 October 1806, Indefatigable, Hazard, and Atalante captured the chasse marees Achille, Jenny, and Marianne. Privateer Basque Islands, hms indefatigable crew list Okinawa and Formosa, beginning on 26 March on 26 March January 2023 at... A pivotal moment in 500,000 members, beginning on 26 March the resumption of hostilities, Indefatigable 's aircraft targets. Had a crew of 1,019, only three survived History ; `` Naval ''. Class 64-gun third-rate ships-of-the-line designed by Sir Thomas Slade in 1761 for Royal... Add to Sorry, we do not carry out privately commissioned research Gironde the evening before this... Of UK forces veterans on the 17th of August 1939, Ceylon, on 7 January 1808 Indefatigable and captured... Von der Tann and remained in command until 1812 new vessel of 12 guns and had a crew of,... Were in company with Conflict, captured Adele Tribune captured the Emanuel was hit around the world to the... 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( Navy Photos, click to enlarge ) return to Contents List flagship on 22 November and sailed to Zealand! In British ports 1798, Indefatigable 's aircraft attacked targets in Northern and... Window.Adsbygoogle || [ ] ).push ( { } ) before she struck. 38!

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