osa ogunda in ifa religion

osa ogunda in ifa religion

His diverse experiences give him a well-rounded and holistic approach to spiritual health. Es donde OBATALA tiende las manos para que OLORDUMARE le entregue el poder. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. However, they need our support as well. El signo Ogunda Osa seala: Este If se llama ogunda atravesado porque cuenta la historia que OLOFIN haba prohibido el paso por un camino y OGUN paso por l, donde la gente le dijo a Olodumare, OGUN viol la ley y Olodumare respondi: Djenlo que lo haga; si l quiere perder el sentido de la vida, que halle el sentido de la muerte. PARA VENCER A LOS ENEMIGOS SE ECHA FANGO DE TIERRA MOVEDIZA O DE. AYAPA FINUSO. x) Osa Meji: There are some stories attached to his Odu, to simply put, it is said according to whitecalabash.wordpress.com that, In the Odu Ifa Osa Meji Ifa explains what happened between the Iyami and human beings: When humans (eniyan) and birds (eye) came to earth (Aye) from the sky (Orun) they made the sacred promise they will never kill each other. The next 240 Od If are combinations of the first 16. l slo debe ofrecer sacrificio. Key Phrase:Oyekucreates an end to a cycle. Eyiogbe. The storage or technical access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Key Phrase:Ogundacreates the removal of obstacles. This cycle continues throughout the year. Volumes Ten-Eleven-Twelve-Thirteen, The Odu of Ogunda, Osa, Eutura and Irete, Mr. Cromwell Osamaro Ibie continues his revelations of the Odu (sacred text of Ifa). Si quieres ver ms videos como este suscrbete al CANAL de. Oturupon deals with the spiritual consequence of lack of courage. Julia Gayosso. CUIDADO CON UN INTELIGENTE QUE DESEA ESCLAVIZARLO, PARA VIVIR DE SUS, LAS DOS AYAPA EN EL ESTANQUE. Resist those who attemp to disrupot your well-being. The Od If are patterns of binary code, opened and closed nodules, which represent all of the energies contained in Igba Iwa, The Calabash of Existence, or the Universe. The Mind, Body, and Soul is an ancient trilogy that is the key to longevity and success. ASHE AGBADO KINIRINNI FEFE KUFE. Ifateaches that all things in the universe have some form of consciousness. Eliecer Cabrera. Cdigo tico de Ifa del odu Ogunda La Masa: La Cruz de Caravaca: Significado, Origen, Oracin y ms, Odu Baw o letra del ao para Venezuela 2023 (ANSI). When a baby is born there is an end of a cycle of living in the womb. Ifa keeps us in alignment and on our path. February 10, 2015 kemetic45 Uncategorized In the Beginning, Olodumare (God) gave the Orisa Orunmila a flawless method of communication between himself and the Orisa called Ifa. This allows for us to be constantly checking in with Ifa and Orisa on a weekly basis about how we are doing and what needs to be adjusted as we move on a weekly basis. How to read, interpret and apply these wisdom teachings. May Ifa* bless you and your family in abundance.". The propitiation to the Orisa is what helps us solve everyday problems, although each of them has their specialization. 2.- las bibliotecas. - El que mucho abarca poco aprieta. 4. OGUNDA MASA es un Oddun que presenta problemas con la familia, en cuanto a su unin, el cual para obtenerla necesita hacer obras (ver la relacin de obras de OGUNDA MASA). The temple is headed by Babalawo Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode and Apetebi Oyaseye Fakayode. Key Phrase:Osacreates radical change in circumstances. Y se le hizo la ceremonia. Source: UGC Ifa religion is an indigenous and earth-centered African spiritual practice. The storage or technical access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Por este If se le dice a la persona que tenga cuidado no caerse de una escalera ya que tiene un Egun que se lo puede provocar. Thank you, Baba*. POR ESTE IFA EL AWO NO ANDA SOLO PORQUE LE QUIEREN ROBAR. Ose, the Conquerer- is the source of abundance and fertility in the world. Mientras el mundo es esto, la tiosa no come hierba. History [ edit] In human terms rebirth refers to reincarnation (atunwa). Additionally we appease Ifa Orunmila every 4 days on our prayer day which we refer to as Ose Ifa. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con *. xv) Ose Meji: Ose Meji says there is a woman that is looking for to have children but she has been unsuccessful up till this point. 5. Knowledge is Power! You will always be blessed because of how you give without condition. RELACION DE HISTORIAS O PATAKINES DE OSA OGUNDA. In personal termsIreteis stubborn determination to create abundance and to move towards self-transformation. This is the death and rebirth cycle that is the foundation of all initiation. Owonrinis the chaos built into the structure of a form i.e. It is important to understand that while Orisa and Ifa work together for our greatest good they are two separate practices and entities. Storage or technical access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences not requested by the subscriber or user. Ika, the Controller- means drawing in or pulling together. OGUNDA MASA, sus padres se separaron por culpa de una obin. CUIDADO CON UN ROBO; HAY UNA MUJER QUE ESTA LLORANDO POR UN HOMBRE, USTED TIENE MUY MAL GENIO; USTED TIENE UN APURO MUY GRANDE; SU ENEMIGO, ES UN GORDITO QUE NO LE PUEDE VER NI EN PINTURA, EL QUIERE HACERLE, DAO Y USTED NO TIENE QUIEN LO DEFIENDA; TENGA CUIDADO NO SE VAYA A, VER HECHO UN ESCLAVO POR DESOBEDIENTE; SI ES MUJER ESTA EMBARAZADA Y. PUEDE MALOGRAR LA CRIATURA SI NO HACE EBBO CON AIKORDIE, ABEBOADIE, ESCOPETA, FLECHAS, ONDA Y TAMBOR; NO SE LE OCURRA IR A VISITAR, PRESOS EN ESTOS DIAS; A USTED LE GUSTAN LOS PAJAROS Y SI LE INVITAN A, CAZAR O A PESCAR NO VAYA PORQUE LE PUEDE SUCEDER ALGO MALO; HAY UNA. With the help of a great man and spiritual advisor, I have faith from within that the path I am on is a great one. Ikain a positive manifestation can be the source of personal power used for protection, healing, transformation and the creation of abundance. These blessings have been extended not only to me, but also to my family. OGUNDA MEJI. InIfathe end of life on earth marks the beginning of life in the realm of the ancestors (Orun). During his coronation he was given the title Onilu Awoedu of Osogbo meaning "A Master Drummer of the Ancient Mystery Systems of Ifa and Orisa." But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. It is an image of instability within the forces of the earth. Chief Alj is the founder of Ifa Temple The Ogundse and the Osun Temple Ile Osunfikayo. tratado enciclopedico de ifa *osa ogunda *osa kuleya + i o i i i i o i osa kuleya yibio yibio omo ologu iya mi odese baba mi lebo. Just as the Tanakh, Christian Bible and Koran are considered to be sacred texts,sotoo, is the Holy Odu of West Africa. Time passed by and human beings became hungry because there wasnt food for them and so they started to die one by one; Esu came to humans and put in their minds that why they were dying with so many birds around? Tambin te puede interesar:Tratado del Odu Obara Bogbe. When speaking about these forces of nature recognizing and paying homage to them opens the floor for them to communicate with you and build a relationship with you. Download Free PDF View PDF. ORUNMILA as lo hizo y cuando lleg al il de OLOFIN se encontr con el portero que estaba tirado en el piso y le pregunt por OLOFIN y ste le contest en mala forma, para que se fuera de all, pero ORUNMILA insisti y le pregunt a OBATALA: Seor usted est enfermo ?. PERSONA QUE DICE QUE A USTED LE HA PASASDO UNA COSA POR ALGO QUE HIZO; USTED TIENE QUE CUIDARSE DONDE VIVE; USTED QUIERE IR AL CAMPO, TENGA, CUIDADO NO REGRESE ENFERMO, USTED LE ESTA DEFENDIENDO UN ASUNTO A OTRA, PERSONA QUE LO VA A HACER QUEDAR MAL; TENGA CUIDADO CON UNA INCADA EN, LA MANO; DELE GRACIAS A ORUNMILA; NO DESPRECIE AL QUE VAYA A SU CASA; A, USTED LE HA DE ENTRAR MUCHO TRABAJO; TENGA CUIDADO CON UN DOCUMENTO QUE, USTED VA A FIRMAR PORQUE HAY UNA TRAMPA; EN SU CASA HAY QUIEN LO VELA, PARA CUANDO USTED SALGA ROBARLE; NO SEA FIADOR DE NADIE; NO PORFIE, POR, AHI LE VIENE UN DINERO, USTED TIENE UN HIJO QUE SE LE VA A PERDER O EL, VAN A PRENDER; A USTED SU FAMILIA LA DABA POR PERDIDO; USTED ESTA, LLAMADO A HACER SANTO; USTED ES ALGO COBARDE; USTED SOO CON ORGUN Y, OLOFIN Y ELLOS QUIEREN ALGO, NO SE DESESPERE POR ALGUIEN Y DELE GRACIAS. The r*, the primordial forces of nature, continue to assist me in achieving my destiny and life's purpose. Se prepara un ikok de barro, donde se le ponen las generales de todos los familiares, 21 ig y las siete herramientas de OGUN. Ifa* has truly enhanced my life in more ways than I could ever imagine. Irosun means the spirit that protects the head descends. Interest. Next, we show the 16 Odu of the oracular subsystem of IF. Habla un Egn obin omo YEMAYA que le da todo lo que usted quiere siempre y cuando usted lo atienda. You must understand that the Orishas come into your life to give you health, peace and tranquility and that despite the fact that ceremonies are made to accelerate or try to ensure that there are no obstacles in the person's destiny, only the goods that are be able to deserve. Este es un If de chismes, en los cuales siempre estar enredado l, producto de muchos arays que tiene la persona (haga EBO). the Onilu Awoedu of Osogbo, YorubaLand West Africa Chief Alj is the founder of Ifa Temple The Ogundse and the Osun Temple Ile Osunfikayo. OGUNDA LA MASA debe tener un jardn en su casa con una mata de ciprs para que tenga de todo en la vida. Se le da a OGUN un gallo jabado. Historically culture developed around sources of fresh water. Do you want to know other Advice and Oddun of If? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Without a requirement, voluntary compliance by your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved solely for this purpose cannot be used to identify you. Ika meji: 11. 2. Content licensed CC-BY-NC 4.0. The sixteen holyoju odus. Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. It says the solidification of the past lays the foundation for that which is to come. For example Osun represents the spiritual energy of the river, Sango represents the spiritual energy of fire. si este If se le ve a una obin: en ikofafun o vista: se le debe decir que puede formrsele un fibroma en el cuello del tero, lo cual debe atenderse rpidamente, y darse lavados vaginales con raz de jiba.Cuando se ve este If: se le dice a la persona que tiene abandonado a los guerreros o los bot. 256 Odu Ifa ~ Ifa Religion - Religion - Nairaland. Y as fue como ORUNMILA pudo saber y entrar en casa de OLOFIN y le cont a ste todo lo que lesucedi en su casa y todo lo que deseaba saber. In 2010 Ile Ogundase expanded its network and opened a second temple in New York City. Oturupon, the Bearer- is the manifestation of infectious disease. Ofun, the Giver- literally means the Spirit of White. People consult Ifa for divine intervention and spiritual guidance. A spiritual consultation session occurs in two parts: Part I:The first part is a spiritual consultation (reading) with TheIfa* Oracle namernml* regarding the most pertinent information necessary for one to achieve spiritual balance and harmony, which provides an optimal opportunity for success. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. These spiritual consultations give us a forecast for 4-6 weeks and at the close of that time frame we receive another consultation and prayer (Ifa Dida and Ebo) so that we are always adjusting and recalibrating so that we stay on our path, as life is not linear things are always changing. En la Regla de Osha- If, religin Yoruba o Santera, el orculo adivinatorio llamado Diloggun, consta de 18 caracoles cauri (21 en el caso de Eleggu) cuya parte trasera ha sido removida, pasan por una ceremonia que les da la potestad de usarse como vehculo de comunicacin con los Orishas. This oracular element contains the message of the deities and protections through the regent Osha or Orisha for each particular oracle. It is a view that finds human destiny "rooted in the breath of God Almighty". Key Phrase:Osecreates abundance through prayer. Physics also teaches that seemingly random effects show signs of order when viewed from a distance. It relates to Egungun (Ancestor Society).The Egungun should be allowed to comment on the resolution of any conflict. X-Flair. In Ofun Ogunda human consciousness was born. El pjaro que imita la tiosa muere detrs del fogn. Failure to live in harmony with destiny generates illness, poverty and isolation. SALVARSE SE CONVIERTA EN ESCLAVO DE UN AVARICIOSO. The negative manifestation of strength is the desire to force personal will on others. SI TIENE HIJO MENOR CUIDADO NO SE LE ENFERME, DELE UNA AWOFAKA, PUES. Esto con la finalidad de instruir a nuevos y antiguos creyentes de esta hermosa religin. REFRESCO DE MELON Y VINO TINTO, SE LE DEJAN LOS DIAS QUE DIGA IFA. Passion is also associated with the drive towards procreation. 3.- AMARRE EL BARCO PARA QUE NO SE LE VAYA A PIQUE. Storage or technical access is necessary to create user profiles to deliver advertising, or to track the user across one or multiple websites for similar marketing purposes. Chapter 3: All Of Creation Is Inside The Calabash, Chapter 4: Olodumare Is A Gracious Creator, Chapter 7: Esu Is The Power Of Communication And Reciprocity, Chapter 8: Orunmila, The Spirit Of Destiny: The Prophet and Priest Of Ifa, Other Orishas And Spiritual Powers, Chapter 9: The Holy Odus: 256 Sacred Parables, Proverbs And Prescriptions, Created by Will Coleman, Ph.D. and Brad Ost, Appendix A: Glossary Of Yoruba Terms, The Language of Ifa, Appendix B: Categories of Spiritual Forces; Spiritual Forces; And Praise Names, Appendix C: Yoruba Language Pronunciation, Appendix G: Images of Ifa Hermeneutics / Divination, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Diga Ifa inifathe end of life on earth marks the beginning of life on earth the... River, Sango represents the spiritual energy of the earth of storing preferences not requested the! 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