what proof was whiskey in the 1800s

what proof was whiskey in the 1800s

When wet days returned, Schenley, which was in the same boat as most other whiskey producers who did not have enough aged product on hand, decided to mix some of their good aged whiskey with some younger straight whiskeys and market it as Golden Wedding--the first blend of straight whiskeys on the market. The idea was that the distillers would show their willingness and ability to police themselves from within and prevent post-Prohibition bars from becoming the seedy, unregulated dives they had been prior to 1919. In 1867 the Chapeze brothers founded their first commercial distillery and gave birth to a whiskey that would become known as Old Charter. The rum business in the United States was doomed, but its demise created plenty of room for the up and coming whiskey industry. Heres what was happening to the brand names at this time: Of Hymns To Be Sung and Axes To Be Wielded. The country drank and drank, hardly knowing what was in the glass, everyone was out to achieve the high of all highs, and no one cared much how they did it. According to William S. McFeely, author of Grant, A Biography, although both Grant and Babcock were confronted with this very damning evidence, Babcock insisted that the telegrams were about something other than the Whiskey Ring, and Grant sided with him. By the turn of the century, total abstinence was the goal. As consumers we are lucky that so many good straight American whiskeys are still left in the marketplace. When the Pennsylvanians arrived in Kentucky, they were met by other masters of the still who had preceded them by a couple of decades and started some new whiskey-making traditions. Most of what there was had been distilled just the previous year or so during the distilling holidays allowed by the government once Repeal was in sight. But it wasnt until the following year that Carry Nation actually wielded the hatchet that became her trademark when she destroyed a saloon in Wichita. Happily, the atmosphere was nowhere near as oppressive as it had been for our forefathers at the beginning of this century. Over the course of the war, some distilleries were destroyed, some distillers died, and the rest survived as best they could. At one point Wiley is rumored to have taken a bottle of bad whiskey to President Teddy Roosevelt who examined the product and declared that if people could no longer get a decent glass of whiskey, it was time that something was done about it. In 1913, the Webb Kenyon Interstate Liquor Act was passed, effectively preventing the traffic of liquor from wet to dry states. But, as we well know, if the public wants whiskey they shall jolly well have it, and the people who profited most from this very high tax were none other than the moonshiners. Was it a specific person on a specific date? Why did Babcock use the name Sylph on the telegrams? The steam would, in time, heat the mash and vaporize the alcohol. Bushmills is the oldest licensed whiskey distillery in the world. But 21 years had passed since Prohibition had taken such wonderful, big-bodied, rich, flavorful whiskeys away from the public. 1. Rye, another European grain, was a hardy crop that took root and fared well almost immediately in the middle colonies, and since the Europeans were accustomed to working with rye grain, they turned to it as the next best thing to barley. Once a small distillery became part of the trust, it was either closed down or production was cut back, the aim being to control production at as many distilleries as possible. The plant produced Tom Moore Bourbon in 1879, and Mattingly & Moore Bourbon by 1896. McDonald was somewhat of an old pal of the Presidents, having been recommended for his position by more than a couple of Julia Grants familys friends. There is no doubt that liquor was being abused, and one fellow, George Garvin Brown, creator of the Old Forester brand and a founder member of the Wine and Spirits Association (W S A), did take steps to counter the prohibition movement. Most whiskeys of this time was sold in barrels to retailers. A Treatise on the Manufacture, Imitation, Adulteration, and Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, Gins, Rums, Etc. These people had a long history of moving (or being moved) to new lands, coping with hardships, battling adversity, and establishing thriving communities. 2020 Distilled Spirits Council of the United States | Equal Opportunity Employer | Distilled Spirits Council. In 1935, a group of investors opened the Heaven Hill Distillery in Bardstown. Its easy to see that national prohibition was inevitable sooner or later. The first money used for the investigation went to reporter Myron Colony, who was hired by the Treasury Department to gather evidence against whoever was responsible for misdirecting the excise taxes. I. W. Harper, Old Charter, and Cascade (George A. Dickel) brand names were purchased by Schenley in the late 1930s, and Schenley itself was later acquired by United Distillers. There was, however, another factor that worried the post-Prohibition whiskey men: Their supplies of aged whiskey were critically low. That nickname has stuck around through the years. The idea, in general terms, was to make each industry share the available work among as many people as possible. . In 1942 they introduced Wild Turkey bourbon to the marketplace. The following morning they discarded the frozen portion, leaving them with very strong cider--the alcohol content was concentrated in the liquid that didnt, or couldnt, freeze. By 1945, Americans were consuming about three times as much rum as they had in 1941. The tradesmen started watering down their whiskey in order to pay less and get more. 19 gallons were needed to produce one 16-inch naval shell. In that year, after further reducing the taxes but still not getting cooperation from the Pennsylvanians, George Washington, for the first time in the history of the United States, rallied federal troops to quell the uprising. In the twentieth century, Alcoholics Anonymous went on to prove his point. Over the whole of the eighteenth century, about 250,000 Scots-Irish Ulstermen and Ulsterwomen came to America. Trains and Boats and a New Look at Drinking Habits. In the U.S., almost one million people had signed the pledge by 1840, and the angst about over-consumption continued to grow. Imports included Dewar's Scotch, Jameson Irish Whiskey and Canadian Club Whiskey. Corn, an indigenous grain, was also cultivated, and although the immigrants werent used to using it to make whiskey, it was gradually introduced to the process in small quantities. Not everyone was enamored of this new method, however, and some forward-thinking individuals took to actively advertising the fact that they continued to use old-fashioned methods. Even as late as 1891, James E. Pepper was advertising that he distilled twice over open fires (signifying the use of pot stills). But in those pre-pasteurization days, beer didnt keep too long, so they brewed only as much beer as would be consumed in the very near future. Meanwhile, the thirsty Scots-Irish and German distillers who settled in western Pennsylvania and Maryland had been making rye whiskey--but why rye? As soon as beehives were located, settlers were producing mead and metheglin (a popular drink of the day made from a fermented mixture of honey, water, and spices--most probably ginger, cloves, mace, and the like). The whiskeys--and the people who make them--have won a place in our hearts. He described her as unquestionably the handsomest woman in St. Louis, and went on to say, Her form was petite, and yet withal, a plumpness and development which made her a being whose tempting, luscious deliciousness was irresistible. Obviously, McDonald was quite taken with the woman (although a sketch of Sylph in McDonalds book reveals her to have been more homely than irresistible). And although the town was originally known as Salem, the settlers soon adopted the name of their benefactor, and Bards Town (Bardstown) was born. The company went on to buy the Jack Daniel Distillery in the 1950s. However, most of the first blended whiskey producers (before the term blended whiskey was used) were merely trying to pull the wool over the publics eyes. Oscar Pepper (James E. Pepper and Old Crow Bourbons) built the Old Oscar Pepper Distillery in 1838. These guys meant business. American whiskey, itself, has reached maturity in relatively recent years, after spending a 300-year adolescence being molded by every major event that has affected its native country. Jack Daniel opened his Tennessee distillery in 1866. The Molasses Act of 1733 levied five shillings per hundredweight of sugar, six pence per gallon of molasses, and nine pence per gallon of rum. Though the first glass factory in American was built in Jamestown in 1608, it would be 1903, when Michael J. Owens invented the first automatic bottle-making machine, before selling whiskey in bottles was financially viable for most distillers. Also in 1935, the Austin Nichols company, previously concerned solely with the food business, took an interest in whiskey and other liquors. Since good straight whiskey was hard to come by during the dry years, the public had become accustomed to gin. Just over two years later, on January 17, 1920, after the Volstead Act that enabled the National Prohibition Law, had been passed by 287 votes to 100, the nation was officially dry. And then came the whiskey scandal. The taxes, when they were reintroduced in 1862 to help pay for the Civil War, had been set at 20 per proof gallon (one gallon at 100? He made whiskey using corn as the predominant grain, he insisted on aging it in charred casks, and he used a sour-mash starter. The most unfortunate outcome of the events surrounding the Whiskey Trust was that many small distilleries simply disappeared, while others were left under the control of large concerns. In 1868 Congress passed a bill that reduced the excise tax to 50 per gallon, required a tax stamp to be put on all American-made spirits, and gave distillers a grace period--known as the bonding period--of one year before having to pay taxes on liquor that was aging. Whiskeygate--the Tale of the Infamous Whiskey Ring. The plant is now owned by the Sazerac Company and produces Ancient Age, Eagle Rare, Benchmark, and a range of single-barrel bourbons--Blantons, Rock Hill Farms, Elmer T. Lee, and Hancocks Reserve. John D. Rockefeller, Sr. had paved the way with Standard Oil and all it took after that was a few clever men in Peoria, Illinois. This was, after all, the first time that Washington had ever enforced federal law in the United States, and in order to persuade men to fight their fellow countrymen, Washington needed to prove he was a strong leader. Its interesting to note just how much the whiskey business helped the war effort at this time. But these enterprising farmer-distillers, much like the earlier distillers of plums and berries, were distilling whiskey more or less for themselves and neighbors. (One horse could carry about four bushels of grain or one 60-gallon barrel of whiskey--the product of 24 bushels of grain. To a large extent, it worked. In fact, the drys had some very serious legitimate issues that needed to be addressed. Demand was diminished--and things didnt change a great deal until some learned spirits aficionados decided that whiskey wasnt getting enough attention and started to shed some light on the intricacies of single malt Scotch in the 1980s. They were not, however, the only group of immigrants to have a major impact on the whiskey industry, the Germans who settled in Pennsylvania and became known as the Pennsylvanian Dutch were also well versed with the alembic, and by 1775, there were just as many Germans here as Scots-Irish. By most accounts, Prohibition wasnt so dry after all. This was especially the case for gin. During the dry years, Seagram had used the same name in Canada, but American bootleggers sold an inferior whiskey that they called Golden Wedding, and thus the public was still very aware of the name. In the 1790s American distilled spirits (whiskey, gin, rye, bourbon, etc.) The Cascade distillery in Tullahoma, Tennessee, was founded in 1877 and later purchased by Dickels company. Paul Jones introduced his Four Roses whiskey to Kentucky in 1888. In 1874 more than 200,000 retailers sold liquor in the U.S., a whopping 120,000 more than just 10 years before. And he was right, the Anti-Saloon League was doing just that. In this same speech Lincoln stated his belief that people would be more likely to stop drinking if, instead of being preached to about the evils of alcohol, they were shown examples of how sobriety would enhance their lives. In effect, Lincoln was urging the temperance group to enlighten the public. Colony did a very thorough job and accumulated enough data to place John McDonald (the St. Louis-based superintendent of the Internal Revenue) at the head of the Whiskey Ring. So, during the Civil War, more than a little red liquor was poured over a wound to clean it and much, much more was poured down parched throats to depress awareness and ease the pain of countrymen fighting countrymen on their own land. 1 But the big story of liquor in the 18th century was its dramatic growth as a beverages. Two of the more popular American spirits during the first century and a half of colonization were peach brandy, made mainly in the Southern colonies, and applejack (a brandy distilled from cider), which probably originated in or around New Jersey. The bar opened in 1897 and closed its doors when Prohibition was enacted. And Washington did, indeed, make whiskey. The truth is no one knows. Once again, just as in the case of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, whiskey was being made to help finance the armed forces. It had the power to soothe mens souls, to make them forget the carnage of the battlefield, and perhaps most importantly, whiskey often acted as the only anaesthetic available. Most rectifiers were--and are--reputable wholesalers who bought whiskey from different distilleries (or a selection of casks from just one distillery) and mingled them together to arrive at a consistent product they could call their own. After taking office in 1869, the politics of Reconstruction plagued him, and his administration was beset by scandal after scandal. The death knell was tolling for the slower, more work-intensive, old-fashioned pot stills. Whiskey labeled as bourbon was actually distilled from low-grade molasses. It was common practice for corrupt local officials to accept bribes to assure lenient treatment of wayward tavern keepers and drunken customers alike. proof), but by 1865 they had risen to a whopping $2 per gallon, the exact same amount that would be levied after Repeal, almost 70 years later. His son, another T. W. Samuels, took over operations after Leslies death and ran it until 1943. In 1864, David M. Beam, owner of the Old Tub distillery, was blessed with child--the one and only Jim Beam. They settled in western Pennsylvania, western Maryland, western Virginia, and the western parts of North and South Carolina. America's colonial thirst in the road leading to prohibition, which imposed a constitutional ban on production, sale, and consumption of alcohol in the 1920s, was at an all-time high in the. this 85 proof whiskey . I do not believe that men can be legislated into angels--even red-nosed angels. Henry Watterson, owner and editor of the Louisville Courier Journal, wrote those words in 1913. During the same period of time, names of other whiskey distillers crop up, and many of them have faded into obscurity. Up until this point, cultural and agricultural needs and feasibilities had dictated the production of Americas whiskey, but a major event was about to occur, just a decade after the Declaration of Independence was issued, wherein whiskey would have a direct affect on the nation itself. Effect, Lincoln was urging the temperance group to enlighten the public period of time, heat the and! People had signed the pledge by 1840, and many of them have faded into obscurity Crow. Died, and the angst about over-consumption continued to grow 1879, and his administration was beset by scandal scandal... Was right, the public had become accustomed to gin on the?... Opportunity Employer | Distilled Spirits Council sold liquor in the 18th century its! 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